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Qualifications needed to become a vet

Posted by Rebecca 
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 09, 2010 05:29PM

I've always deperately wanted to be a vet for as long as i can remember, i have done piles and piles of written research and have had preveous experience with handeling horses as i have my own. I will be helping my mums friend with her sheep in the spring when all the lambs will be born and hopefully helping my farrier. I'm doing well in school just now and am taking the right subjects for third year. Is all of this a good step for becoming a veterinary surgeon/nurse? If i don't achieve becoming the veterinary surgeon/nurse my back up plan is an equine nurse.

Hannah L
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 09, 2010 06:23PM
I have wanted to be a vet since I was 5 years old and I have chosen all my subjects in school based I am doing all three sciences, maths, triple english, art, business studies, german and history and I was woundering what would be the minimum grades i would have to get to be able to become a vet??
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 10, 2010 03:03PM
Hi Hannah, for your gcses you are going to want to be aiming for mostly A's and A*'s, especially in the triple sciences, maths and english. I'd say the very minimum to aim for is 5 A's. For A level I would recommend taking Biology, Chemistry and either (or both) of Maths/Physics - at A level you will definitely need straight A's or the very minimum of AAB (Chemistry must be at A grade for you to stand a chance).
Just as example, I got 7A*s and 4As at GCSE and AAAAB at A level and still didn't get into Vet School last year - I have had to take a gap year but got an offer for Glasgow last Friday. You will also need bucketloads of work experience to stand a chance.
hope all of that helped, good luck
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 10, 2010 05:46PM
Hi, Hannah,

If you have been offered a place at Glasgow, grab it with both hands!
Being a Glasgow graduate myself, I am probably prejudiced, but in view of the fact that the most up-to-date small-animal facility in the UK, and probably in Europe has just opened there this is an opportunity which you would be foolish to turn down. The campus at Garscube Estate, in Bearsden on the NW edge of Glasgow is beautifully situated, the city is attactive and lively, and there are good halls of residence.
Good luck to you.

Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet nurse
January 10, 2010 09:37PM

Im a high school student in my last year, and being a vet nurse has been my dream since I was very young, I was hoping to go to college when I leave this year, as I can not train to be a vet nurse untill I am 17. I was inquiring if you would know what courses I should take in college that would best suit me to support me into being a vet nurse, as I am not old enough to train yet. I have done numerous researches to find out this information but I can not seem to find any, so your help would be quite usefull.

Many Thanks,
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet nurse
January 12, 2010 07:27PM
Can any one help Samantha?
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 12, 2010 08:23PM
Hey im 15 and ive just applied at sixth forms.
For everone who wants to know the best subjects at A level to take are Biology and Chemistry. But also the say take either maths or Physics to help yourself, but i you dont that doesnt matter.
If you get B's or more in GCSE level and A Level then you are on the right tracks to become a vet.
Im taking Biology, Chemisty, Maths and Geography.
If you dont take either Biology or Chemistry you will not be able to become a vet im affraid unless you take it later on.
I want to be a vet and the main thing to do is GET EXPERIENCE. Just do somthing simple it will help you so much!! Such as somthing like voluntry work on a saturday morning at your local vet. I do voluntry work on a wednesday afternoon which my school helped me set up. Ask your school for help to get you into a place for work experience they will be glad to help. Also im going to have a gap year between sixth for and university so have a job at my local zoo.
My friend got all top grades but lost a vetanry job to someone with not as good grades as them but they had experience with animals.
I hope this help.
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 13, 2010 08:20AM
Being able to spell 'VETERINARY' may help, too! (Not to mention 'VOLUNTARY)
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 15, 2010 02:03PM
Hey, I was thinking about become a vet, but is it true that it's actually harder to become a vet than a GP? OMFOGMFOGMFOGMOFMGOF
Amy B
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 15, 2010 04:01PM
Hi my name is Amy and i'm in year 8. I do know I'm a bit young to start worrying about what I want to be when I'm older, but I definatley I want to be a vet. But at the end of February I will have to choose my options for year 9. So what subjects to I need to take to start on becoming what I want to be?
Many Thanks.
Charlie West
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 18, 2010 05:31PM

As an animal lover, it has always been my dream to become a Vet, I am in year 9 and am choosing my options over the next few weeks I need help on which ones i should take to become a vet. I have always been good at Biology and Chemestry, I am okay at Physics. Unfortunetly maths is one of my weak points, I am an average student in maths, but my maths teacher said he was entering me for the higher paper C to A* i reckon i will get a B. My school is a language college and it is compulsery to take double English and a modern language, it is also compusery to take atleast one humanity; Geography, History or R.S. There are diploma's availible for my year, i was thinking about taking The environment and Land-based one as it looks at animals and the envronment, and is worth 5 GCSE's. It takes up two of my options, I was thinking; Triple science, Spanish, Double English, Maths, History and the Environment and Land-based diploma. Do these sound like the righ kind of GCSE options to take?

Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 19, 2010 09:29AM

, As far as I know, a good range of subjects at O level, with good grades is required, and at A level Chemistry, biology and Physics/Maths at A or A* are essential before you would be considered.
If anyone reading this has more up-to-date information, I would welcome it.

Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 21, 2010 07:18PM
I am 13 and about to choose my subjects, I want to be a vet in Africa.
Would it be ok if I took:
And should I take French or Latin???
I also have been brought up with animals all my life (cats, dogs, horses, rabbits ect...)
I live in Scotland, so what would be the best uni/college to go to? XxX
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 22, 2010 05:33PM
i am currently in year 11 and taking 12 gcse's in:
-Double award science
-double award ICT
-English Lit.
-English Lang.

i am aimed to get mainly B's and some A's do you think this is enough to be accepted into vet school
also i am taking Maths, Biology, Chemistry and philosophy for A Levels
is this ok!!!
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 22, 2010 06:37PM
Sounds good as ,on as you get good grades - like all A or A*
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 26, 2010 01:56PM
I am just doing my GCSE's. I am predicted all A*s. I have to choose my A-Levels now, will it be ok to do Biology, Chemistry, English Lit and French AS? I have always wanted to be a vet and have loved my work experience but now I actually have to choose my A Levels I'm getting cold feet. Is this normal or should I just forget being a vet? I have lots of animals and home and have done lots of work experience. Just not too sure about the training - do they mind you taking a gap year if the course is long anyway? What made you want to be a vet? Apart from loving animals of course. Do you have any regrets becoming a vet? Thank you!! Louisa
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 26, 2010 06:13PM
Hi, Louisa,

You will have to have Physics or Maths A level at A grade as well as Chemistry and biology.

animal lover
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 29, 2010 07:27PM

im still in high school and still have 2 years till me gcse's
i had wanted to be a veterinarian before the age of 6 and still really want to become one
im not sure what grades i need to be a vet
or what subjects to study
i know i still have some time till i do my gcse's but its never to early to start studying

what subjects do i need to study and what grades will i need to get?

Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
January 29, 2010 07:54PM
You will find all the information you need if you look at some of the other posts on this site.
chelsie davies
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 12, 2010 05:05PM
what are the main four subjects i need to take
because in the collage im going to i can only
take four a levels in the first year
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 12, 2010 05:10PM
Chemistry, Physics/Maths and Biology
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 22, 2010 03:34PM
Walter Beswick Wrote:
> Hi, Hannah,
> If you have been offered a place at Glasgow, grab
> it with both hands!
> Being a Glasgow graduate myself, I am probably
> prejudiced, but in view of the fact that the most
> up-to-date small-animal facility in the UK, and
> probably in Europe has just opened there this is
> an opportunity which you would be foolish to turn
> down. The campus at Garscube Estate, in Bearsden
> on the NW edge of Glasgow is beautifully situated,
> the city is attactive and lively, and there are
> good halls of residence.
> Good luck to you.
> W

Hi again Walter, I have now also been offered an unconditional place at Bristol! would you still recommend choosing Glasgow? (is it a better vet school? I know they are all great, but still?)
thanks, Hannah
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 22, 2010 04:51PM
Dear Hannah,

Congratulations - hundreds of woud-be vet students would love to be in your situation.
I was in eccatly the same one myself, years ago. I was offered places at both Glasgow and Bristol. I chose Glasgow, and have never regretted it, but I would not wish my choice to influence yours. Things have changed. Both Schools are top-ranking,
How long do you have to make your choice?
Have you considered taking the time to go to both and spend a day looking at their facilities. I am sure tha you would be made to feel welcome, and they would understand your predicament.

Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 22, 2010 11:31PM
Walter Beswick Wrote:
> Dear Hannah,
> Congratulations - hundreds of woud-be vet students
> would love to be in your situation.
> I was in eccatly the same one myself, years ago.
> I was offered places at both Glasgow and Bristol.
> I chose Glasgow, and have never regretted it, but
> I would not wish my choice to influence yours.
> Things have changed. Both Schools are top-ranking,
> How long do you have to make your choice?
> Have you considered taking the time to go to both
> and spend a day looking at their facilities. I am
> sure tha you would be made to feel welcome, and
> they would understand your predicament.
> w

Thank you for your advice, I had a chat with my friend who is a third year at Glasgow and she is absolutely loving it and deep down I wanted to go there, so have now accepted my place at Glasgow smiling smiley Looking forward to september now!
Rachael x
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 26, 2010 12:47PM
hi i have also researched the qualifications needed to become a vet and i am led to believe that you do not need a language. i phoned several Universtities and they told me that i would only need Chemistry, Bioligy to an advanced higher Phyics to a standard grade maths to a highr and english to a higher and geography would also be usefull
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
February 26, 2010 04:11PM
That is exactly what I have been advising on this site for years!!
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
April 12, 2010 02:44AM
I am in Year seven, i have loved animals since i was a kid, but only chose to become a Vet about 4 years ago. I may be young but my desire to become a Vet is amazing. I love animals like anything, I watch shows such as RSPCA animal rescue, Animal Emergencies and even medical emergencies, if that helps. I wonder if i can do anything to develop my brain to advance in areas of biology.

If anyone can reply and give me advice on my question that will be a great help and i will surely take them into consideration.

Jade E
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
April 22, 2010 07:02PM

What are the best universities to attend to become a veterinary surgeon?

Jade Emms.
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
April 23, 2010 08:01AM
The UK universities with veterinary schools are:

Edinburghj, Glasgow, Livwerpool, Nottingham, London, Cambridge and Bristol.

All are regularly inspected by and have to meet the very high standards of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

It is more a case of which School will accept you as a student, rather than you deciding which one you wish to attend, since the pressure on places is very high.
courtney adams
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
April 23, 2010 04:32PM

this is just a guess but i think you would need more than bs and cs because there is alot more to a vetanerys work than you think.


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