VetClick Discussion Forum


Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet

Posted by Abby 
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
October 01, 2009 11:34AM
i'm thinking about being a vet. i am currently in year eleven and predicted to get an A in maths. i am predicted to get A* in science.
should i do A level physics, biology and chemistry?
i'm stuck with which courses i take and whether to go to sixth form or college.
Should i at some point go to vet school?
could use some advice
Re: Qualifications needed to become a vet
October 01, 2009 01:16PM

If you wish to become a vet you MUST go to a university veterinary school to study for a veterinary degree, which will take you 5 years,
The pressure to get into the UK vet schools is high - you need Chemistry, Bioogy and Physics or Maths A levels at A or A* grades to be considered for a place.
Whether you stay on at school or go to a College is up to you - go wherever you think you will get the best results.

The UK universities with veterinary schools are: London, Cambridge, Bristol, Liverpool, Nottingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh.



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