VetClick Discussion Forum


Re: becoming a vet

Posted by megan wilson 
megan wilson
Re: becoming a vet
October 02, 2009 11:16AM
i want to be a vet. i am doing my personal statment for gcse it is really boreing but i do want to be a vet and i dont know what the colifications i am in year 11. and i am leaving in june to go to lemington collage hopefully i reeally need your help to see what qulifications.
Re: becoming a vet
October 02, 2009 11:29AM
Hi, Megan,

I will be blunt. If the standard of your other subjects - chemistry, biology and maths/physics is no higher than your standard of English grammar and spelling, forget any ambition of becoming a vet.
The veterinary course at university is one of the most difficult to get into, and to study.
On the strength of your two posts, you do nt have a chance of success.



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