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Hamster fur loss
July 01, 2005 03:54PM
We have a hamster, just over 1yr old who has a bald patch on her throat/chest area. Could it be mites or is it likely to be another problem? She seems to be eating a little less than normal. She hates the vets so we would like to avoid the stress if possible.
Re: Hamster fur loss
July 01, 2005 06:51PM
Hi, Nikke,
Mites are a quite common cause of hair loss in hamsters, and do require specific treatment.
There may well be readers who are more expert in the diseases of hamsters than I who could advise.
Re: Hamster fur loss
June 20, 2006 10:32PM

My hamster is around 18mths old. Over the last month she has progressively got balder, starting with a thinning patch around her tummy/hips which has ultimately led to her now being completely bald. She also appears to have lost a little weight. She is eating/drinking well, and is still active, albeit slightly slower thaan she used to be. Her skin does not look in the slightest bit inflamed and she is not scratching. Apart from her baldness, she does not seem ill. is it possible that this is purely a symptom of old age or could it be something more sinister?

Re: Hamster fur loss
June 26, 2006 03:56PM
Hi, Tammy,
Most likely to be due to old age.
Re: Hamster fur loss
September 01, 2006 01:33PM
hi i had a hamster that went the same way. he gradually went more and more baldy and his skin became wrinkly and dry looking - just like a wee ild man. i was advised to rub some vegeatble oil into his skin once or twice a week to moisturise him. it certainly helped his skin and he lived to the ripe oold age of 3 yrs and 5 month!!
Hui Zhen
Re: Hamster fur loss
June 02, 2008 04:14AM
My hamster had fur loss and I don't know what 2 do.What shoud I do?
Re: Hamster fur loss
June 02, 2008 08:15AM

What age is your hamster, how long have you had him and where did you get him from?
Re: Hamster fur loss
August 01, 2008 08:05PM
My hamster is about 2 years and 4 months old, and has begun to go bald. He really does look like an old man, with the bald patches on the top of his head and starting to go down his back. He is getting slower and eating a bit less, but drinking a ton more thank usual, and he just isn't at all like he used to be. he has also starting scratching quite a bit. We've had hamsters for over 5 years, but i have no idea what is causing this! if there's some sort of powder or ointment we can pick up at a pet store, that would be best, because my dad doesn't want to go to a vet just for a hamster that's already pretty old. please help me!
Re: Hamster fur loss
August 02, 2008 08:20AM
Hi, Maddy,

Your hamster IS an old man at 2 years and 4 months old!!
There is nothing which you could do to help - if there were any treatment for old age it would be very popular and we would all want some!.

Re: Hamster fur loss
August 11, 2008 01:08AM
How did you get the olive oil off? i did this to my hamster and now i am worried it will not come off.
Re: Hamster fur loss
August 11, 2008 07:44AM

I think your mesaage relates to a posting dated September 2006 and it may well be that the correspondent who made it no longer visits the site.
I would think that a gentle baby shampoo should do the trick!

Re: Hamster fur loss
October 27, 2008 10:59PM
My hamster is a female Russain Dwarf Blueberry and is around one years old. I got her last Christmas. She's an only Hamster, no companions, and has never been pregnant. I've noticed that her fur on her hip area and under her hind legs are bald. There's scabs on the skin of her stomach and she scratches time to time but I don't think she has mites. She eats and drinks well, her cage is cleaned inspectively once a week and she excersises half an hour a day. I don't know what's causing this,could be it be mites or allergies?
Re: Hamster fur loss
October 28, 2008 05:18PM
The cause of fur loss in your hamster if indeed it is only a year old, may well be mites, but it could be a rection to whatever beddig you are using.

It is a simple job for your vet to check for mites and give you the appropriate treatment if the test is positive.

Re: Hamster fur loss
November 02, 2008 08:22PM
Her fur's actually starting to come back now, it's not as bald anymore and her scabs are healing. I'll still take her to the vet to be checked out to be sure. Is it because it's winter? I browsed around before coming here and I may have read wrong but do some hamsters lose some of their fur during summer periods?
Re: Hamster fur loss
November 02, 2008 10:01PM

I am not aware of seasonal furloss in hamsters.

It is sounding increasingly like an irritation set up from her bedding. Have you used wood shavings or anything similar? The dust from some hardwoods can be very irritant.

Re: Hamster fur loss
November 07, 2008 12:34AM
No I haven't. I've always used the Carefresh bedding brand, my parents were told by the petshop clerk that woodshavings were harmful and reccomended we use the Carefresh bedding.
Re: Hamster fur loss
November 07, 2008 08:18AM

Sorry, but I cannot offer any more suggestions. Now that the fur is growing in again, I hope that it continues to do so.

Re: Hamster fur loss
November 08, 2008 01:15AM
Thank you for your help. The areas are alittle thin but it does seem to be coming back.
Re: Hamster fur loss
November 23, 2008 11:06AM
my hamster has two bald patch boths sides on her tummy every day it is getting balder!!!,what should i do?
Re: Hamster fur loss
November 23, 2008 12:50PM

1, How old is your hamster?

2. Look at some of the earlier postings about baldness in hamsters.

Re: Hamster fur loss
April 05, 2009 11:44AM
My hamster is about 2 and a half years old. She has lost alot of her fur, is it just old age???
Re: Hamster fur loss
April 05, 2009 03:51PM
Yes, almost certainly.
Re: Hamster fur loss
April 14, 2009 09:30AM
Anonymous User Wrote:
my sisters hamster seems to have developed a scab on the rear of its back. (size of a 2p) its back pads seemed inflamed and raw too.
I am unsure if this is a dermal condition, or behavioral. though he seems fine. he is about 9 months old. (my sister put savalon on it... shes a child, eek)
we have washed and disinfected the cage and also bathed it in a little salt bath. and its pads seemed to have healed and his back is doing the same.
I have looked for mites, but cant see any, its eating and drinking and lively.
I was considering getting hold of some ivermectin to be sure, is this possible to obtain?
many thanks
Re: Hamster fur loss
May 01, 2009 02:50AM
Hi! My hamster is 1 and a half years old and she is a mother. She gave birth to 8 healthy babies and they are now a year old. 2 died just a few weeks ago and I think it was because the were fighting and a big wound was infected. But now my mother hamster has only a small amount of fur left but there are no fur inside it's cage (I already puted the hamster into another cage away form the others). Why is that???
Re: Hamster fur loss
May 01, 2009 02:57AM
Hi! My hamster is a mother and is around 1 and a half year old. She has only a very small amount of fur left on her body but I can't seem to find any fur in it's cage. Is there any way to cure it? I saw other people's posts about cures? What will work vegtable oil? Salt? What if my hamster is allergic to it? What should I do? I am very worried!
Re: Hamster fur loss
May 01, 2009 07:42AM

'Around' 1 and 1/2 can be anything between 1 and 2, and a 2 year-old hamster is OLD!
I think the signs that you are seeing are connected with age, and I cannot offer any help, though doubtless there will be others reading this who will be able to make suggestions.

Re: Hamster fur loss
May 12, 2009 07:59PM
my hamster is only three weeks old. its acutally my hamster stephanies babys. two of them got big right away, three of them stayed small. now one of the small one has his ears up but his belly and his neck and back dont have a lot of fur, it worrys me. i think im going to try giving him the bath with the salt water but if you have ne ideas feel free to msg me
Re: Hamster fur loss
May 30, 2009 02:57PM
My hamster is having dificulties.
I got him last year june, right now it is may, so hes not even a year old yet. um he is a russian dwarf hamaster and hes kinda on the rounder side, he always has been.
he also had always had this little patch of hair under his neck but above his belly that has been missing. recently it has been getting worse, and more bald. its also pretty pink and the fur around the bald area is wet. im wondering if it is because he picks at it or something?
anyway today it is extremely bad and it is extending to his more belly area. im very worried. it doesnt look like he feels it, he is bright and chipper as usual. but it looks horrible. i touched it and he didnt protest or anything, and it was like wet and not fury at all. he kinda felt like a snake there but not really.
anyway i really wish to know what is wrong wiht him so if you could help it would be wondrful!
Re: Hamster fur loss
May 30, 2009 03:31PM

I am not promising any results, but you could try massaging a tiny quantity of cod-liver-oil in the bare patches every day for a couple of weeks.

Re: Hamster fur loss
July 15, 2009 07:45PM
i have noticed my hamster has got hair loss / patches on his lower back and around both leg areas.
He is still active eating and drinking.

What can i treat my hamster with ?
i belive there is some powder treatment you can use ?

Please can i have some advise quick as i have a dog and children
quireing MANAGE ?


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