VetClick Discussion Forum


coughing up blood

Posted by Brenda 
Re: coughing up blood
July 10, 2008 06:02PM
Thanks for a very informative site,which has made me realise I'm not on my own with these types of problems in dogs. My springer spaniel Patch aged 13 years developed a cough and was panting I took him to the vets and they prescribed heart medication for a heart murmur we were told to monitor his breathing and also check in case his gums turned blue in colour. the vet was quite hopeful that this could be kept under control with medication and asked to see him again in 2 weeks.that night his breathing got more frequent about 1 breath per minute and he then started to bring up blood in his mucous i took him to the vets and after an xray it was believed that his right lung was full of blood and that the probable cause was a tumor I made the decision to have him put to sleep as there was nothing that could be done for him,and i did not want him suffering any longer.the reason for this email is for other people to not hesitate if there animal coughs up blood,as the symptoms ,(as in Patchs case )came on very rapidly and i was fortunate to get him to the vets without to much suffering. Patch was a real character and an ex police sniffer dog that had a wonderful life and I hope that if this is published people will remember him and hopefully another canine or feline friend will be saved any pain and suffering and he will not have died in vain. thankyou once again for a helpful site. .Regards Tony
Re: coughing up blood
July 11, 2008 09:45AM
Hi, Tony,
Thank you for your kind message - it is very much appreciated.
I am sorry to hear that you have lost your dog, but I applaud your decision to have him put to sleep as soon as a positive diagnosis was reached. So many people find it difficult to make this decision, thereby inflicting further suffering, albeit unintentionally, on their pet.

Mary K
Re: coughing up blood
August 26, 2008 11:13PM
I am very interested in the conversation regarding dogs coughing up blood. Our greyhound began coughing up bright red blood 2 years ago. It happens intermittently. It has small spots of blood but projectile.Sometimes,I think he swallows whatever he coughs up. He is otherwise healthy. He has had clotting studies, labwork, and trachial wash which show infection. Each time, he is put on antibiotics, and it clears up. Still undiagnosed so wondering if perhaps it could be something structural (ruptured vessel in throat,nose etc..) Thank you,
Mary K
Re: coughing up blood
August 27, 2008 07:43AM
Hi, Mary,

Has he been checked for a fungal infection such as Aspergillosis in his nasal passages? This can sometimes cause occasional bleeding when a small blood vessel is eroded. The usual antibiotics will not treat this condition.

Re: coughing up blood
November 15, 2009 04:32PM

Recently, my 2 year old cream colored lab started coughing up mucous. Within 24 hours it was frank bloody, turning to clots. I notified my Vet immediately. I had her hospitalized at 2 different Vets hoping to get the bleeding to stop, Vit K, steriods, Oncontic fluids were given. Her xrays showed fluid buildup around the right lung.The heart shape was visable and everything looked intact. She continued with coughing blood. I am assuming that she developed respiratory distress. She died (after 4 days). I am NUMB - she was my everything!!

Her stools were clear of any blood. She was still urinating and drinking water, she ate some food until the last 2 days. Could this have been a poisoning? I found an old paint can in my yard with what looked like dog food in it. That same day, my golden retriever came in drooling. I took the can to my Vet to have it examined and am awaiting results. What kind of poison would cause a respiratory bleed or distress??? Does this sound like an anomoly? I am wanting to know the cause of her death. What causes lung bleeding. I am hoping it was an anomoly.

I would not consult to an autopsy. I wanted to bury her without any defects if possible. I loved her. My friend and I carried her (76lbs) up to a remote ridge in where she is at rest. It was all I could do out of respect and love was to repay her with providing her a spectacular resting place.

I am stuptified and filled with grief, as to what could have caused this. Would you please shed light on possible causes? I just can't understand how a poison could cause a right sided lung bleed. The toxicology tests are not back regarding the food in the can. I did find numerous vomit in the yard with abnormal pieces of meat. I did not feed her meat like I found.

What could cause an anomoly for a vessel to bleed in the lung and not stop bleeding? Could you please shed some light on this, as I would really like some closure. Thank you so much.

Re: coughing up blood
November 15, 2009 04:48PM
Hi, Kimber,

I was so sorry to hear about the sudden and sad death of your lovely labrador.
Without a proper autopsy, the cause of death is a matter of speculation, but by far the commonest cause of a sudden massive haemorrhage is warfarin poisoning. Warfarin is a commonly used rat poison which is usually lad as a bait mixed with oatmel, which many dogs find attractive, and labs will never pass by anything that remotely looks like food!

Another possibiloity if an aneurysm of a pulmonary blood vessel which ruptured, but that would certainly need an autopsy to confirm.


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