VetClick Discussion Forum


Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)

Posted by Griff Lewis 
Griff Lewis
Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
April 21, 2004 10:36PM
One of my dogs has just been diagnosed with Cushings, and has now started in to the first days Trilostane medication.

My understanding is that Trilostane is branded Vetoryl for animal treatment and Mondrenal for humam use, but is otherwise identical. Is this correct ?

If it is same, is it lawful for vet to provide a prescrition for Mondrenal, since this be obtained at a much reduced cost than Vetoryl ?

I look forward to your reply.

Griff & Barney (border terrier)

James Dunne
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
April 25, 2004 09:59AM
It is not lawful in the UK for a vet to provide a prescription for a brand of drug not licensed for use in animals where there is a licensed version available, even if the product contained in each brand is identical! I know this sounds crazy, but it is the law. Hence drug prices in vet surgeries are considerably more expensive than say a private human hospital. Basically, it costs millions of pounds of research to prove that a drug is safe and effective to use in one species of animal. If a drug company funds this research and patents the license then it obviously wants to have a return on its investment. Because the numbers of animals treated for the disease is tiny compared to the number of humans treated with the same product, the price to pay for the licensed treatment is considerably larger. Furthermore, if your pet had a reaction to a non-licensed product, the drug company is in no way liable and the responsibility falls at the feet of the veterinary surgeon that prescribed your drug. Also, even if you signed a declaration stating that you would not hold your vet responsible prior to starting treatment, the vet would still be acting illegally and you can see why many vets would thus be disinclined to prescribe the human product.
Connie McGraw
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
July 22, 2004 09:20PM
I live in the U.S. Is it possible to obtain vetoryl here for my dog with cushings?
Please advise.
Thank you.
Connie McGraw
(in the U.S.A.)
Mike O'Gorman
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
July 25, 2004 01:40PM
Dear Ms McGraw

Vetoryl is marketed in the UK by
Arnolds Veterinary Products Ltd,
Common Road,
YO19 5RU

I'm pretty sure that it is produced for them by
PL25 4 AN
who produce Modrenal for the human health market.

I presume that, since you are having difficulty obtaining it, the active ingredient is not licenced in the USA

I'm not sure what the regulations are in the USA, with regard to the use of products without a USA licence, over here they can be obtained under certain circumstances on a "named patient" basis. Perhaos your veterinarian may be able to obtain a license to import it from either of these companies. However, I am not sure how economic it would be.


Tom Persia
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
September 27, 2004 01:31AM
Our vet provided the following information:

Below is the website where several of our clients have purchased Trilostane. If you want to look for other sites that supply this medication you may, but please send me the website address prior to ordering so I can be sure the exact drug we would like to try with your pet is being offered.

Click on the "products" link and search under the letter
"T" to confirm current availability and pricing, then
select "Ordering Online". Besides your billing
information, please provide the following details for
your order.

Name of drug: Trilostane (Modrenal)
Strength: 60 mg AND 120 mg
Intended Use: Cushings
Quantity: 100 caps of each strength
Pack Size: 100 caps
Unit Cost (US): $124.40 and $212.50

Name of Supervising Physician:
Address of Physician:

Sherlock's starting dose will be 180 mg Trilostane (one capsule of each strength) by mouth once a day (AM) with food (Sherlock weight=s 82 pounds). We may need to adjust this dose based on his clinical response. Please contact me when you receive the Trilostane and we can schedule an outpatient ACTH Stim test (Technician Appointment) for 10 - 14 days after starting the medication and discuss signs to watch for while giving this medication. The ACTH Stim will need to be performed about 4 - 6 hours after giving the medication and will take about 1 hour to complete. In addition the doctor would like to check Sherlock’s electrolytes while on this medication as it can occasionally cause a rise in serum potassium (usually non-clinical). A blood pressure should also be rechecked once Sherlock has started therapy. These blood tests and the blood pressure can be scheduled locally if more convenient.

Robin Miller
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
November 06, 2004 10:47PM

for collected trilostane resources, see:


Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
November 07, 2004 09:06AM
Do you expect your veterinary surgeon to be responsible for your dog's well-being when you are buying prescription medicines from a web site? Will the seller be responsible for any problems or adverse reactions?
Jo Bloggs
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
November 10, 2004 11:31AM
Has anyone read this months Decembers Dogs Today, about MRSA.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
November 10, 2004 06:47PM
The subject of MRSA in animals should be the subject of a new thread. It does not come under the heading of "Vetoryl/Modrenal.
See new thread headed "MRSA"
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
November 24, 2004 02:48AM
I work in the Veterinary supply industry & was wondering if you have a distributer in Australia were this can be bought. if so could you please supply us with this infomation so as we could contact then about Vetoryl.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
December 18, 2004 10:15AM
Hi, Bradley,
You might try contacting the Australian Veterinary Association, 134-136 Hampden Road, Artarman, NSW 1064. They may be able to point you in the right direction.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
January 03, 2005 08:56PM
My foster dog Kane has been on modrenal for cushings for the last 10 months it was undiagnosed prior to his joining our family, he has spinal arthritus so after a little experimenting we have been giving him a days break every 8 days. This has been very successful and he looks fantastic other than a few scars from lump removal and a slight pot belly you would not know that he had cushings or a resulting liver issue. One major change is his colour whihc was previously orange and his nails which are now a normal dark colour and not the clear that they were prior to his diagnosis and treatment (weimaraners for some reason change colour with the disease).

Three weeks ago the drug was changed from Modrenal to Vetoryl and he has started to suffer from a change in coat colour, loss of hair, his pot belly is returning and he has become listless the break is not having the same effect as the modrenal and this evening his back legs were once again unable to support his weight. I am now very concerned and wondered if what the differences between the two drugs are? Having seen first hand what Modrenal is capable of I am very reluctant to continue using an alternative drug that is not as effective in its treatment. Kane has both types of the disease.

I would be grateful for any advice that you can offer.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
January 04, 2005 09:33AM
As far as I know, Modrenal and Vetoryl contain the same active ingredient.
They both, however, come in two sizes of tablet, 60mg and 120 mg. Make sure that the size of the Vetoryl tablet is the same as the Modrenal that you were previously using.
robert cowan
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
January 31, 2005 09:46PM
dear sir,
my dog, a yorkshire terrier, has cushing syndome here in spain I have
been told by my vet that the drug trylostane will help him better than what they can give him here but it is not available in this country can you be of help here my dog MARCO POLO is only 7 years old and is a very proud dog but is now not a figure of his former self, I am looking for supplies and availibility of this drug to help him.
thank you,

robert cowan.

February 01, 2005 10:47AM
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
February 01, 2005 10:47AM
Hi, Robert,
If you look back up this thread you will find several suppliers of Modrenal listed.

Anthony Johns
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
May 31, 2005 04:51PM
Hi, I live in Germany and have a "Westy" who is 12 years old and recently diagonsed with Cushings Desease.

She is currently on a dose of 60 mg Modrenal (Trilostane) apparently her blood counts are improving but she now shows signs of side effects like dragging her rear end, licking her private parts & paws constantly, now she has started scratching herself ( she has been on this dose for several months)

Can anyone tell me where I can order these tablets from, I understand that they are made in UK by Wanskerne and marketed by Arnolds (but only to trade/wholesale and NOT to the public). My german vet orders them from Switzerland - so you can image the cost, when everyone puts their prifit on.

Tony Johns
May 31, 2005 07:22PM
Hi, Tony,
I can only suggest that you look back up the thread for ideas.
If Trylostane for human use is available in Germany you might try asking your vet for a prescription to take to a pharmacy.
The control of 'prescription only' drugs varies from sate to state, even in the EU. Some states are much more regulated than others.
You might try searching the internet for a supplier, but obtaining a supply that way may well be illegal.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
May 31, 2005 07:30PM
You can but them from Masters Marketing in England, Masters is cheaper than Arnold's and much cheaper than from the vet...
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 01, 2005 08:53PM

I also live in Spain and my dog Gigi is on Vetoryl(Trilostane).
It is very expensive here though but I hope to get the next supply from Uk.She only began treatment last weekend,so it is early days yet.

Hope your dog is doing well.(1 hour from Alicante)
All the best, Tina.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 01, 2005 08:59PM

My much loved dog Gigi has just been dianosed with Cushings.I live in Spain.The cost of 100 tabs was arond 3oo euros,so I need to find a less expensive supplier.
I am looking into a couple at the moment and will let you know the best price if you like.How is your dog doing? All the best, Tina & Gigi
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 05, 2005 02:53PM
Please advise; live in Napa Valley, Cal, USA and want to try Vetoryl due to our dog's problems. Our Vet says if we order this med, she will try to administer it. Easiest fastest source, please? We would be so grateful.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 06, 2005 07:25AM
Hi, Donna,
Look back up this thread and search the web - you should be able to find a supplier if your veterinarian cannot oblige.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 27, 2005 12:34AM
I have a very similar story to yours, Tasha. I have a lab that has been having success with Modrenal and then was switched to Vetoryl. Since the switch he's lost 13 pounds, we can't get him to eat and are having a heck of a time giving him pills. He's been blood tested twice and the vet is unable to find a reason for his declining health. I want to go back to Modrenal. Does anyone know where to get it?
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
June 27, 2005 07:52AM
Hi, Dolores,
The information you require you will find higher up this thread.
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
August 05, 2005 04:14AM
I too was using Modrenal and my dog was doing very well on it, I obtained the vet version, vetoryl, but I really would like to keep my dog on the Modrenal. She had no side affects and I'm reading several negative emails about this vetoryl, I am concerned with it....can anyone direct me to obtain the 60 mg of Modrenal.

thank you
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
August 05, 2005 02:46PM
I do not find info on modrenal where further up the thread. I'm not sure I understand where to find the info
nancy carver
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
August 05, 2005 08:21PM
My cockapoo, Tootsie, started Mondrenal in Jan. '05. Her pot belly has improved, but hairloss, shaking back legs, excessive desire for food and water, etc. continue. Recently, (yes,since Vetoryl) she seems to be scratching her chin and chewing on her legs more. Also, her eyes are extremely red and itchy. She has always had a little allergy stuff going on, but this is far more and her usual eye drops aren't helping. My main hope is that she is getting the "internal" benefits, although, I'm not excite about a hairless dog! Her poor tail is almost bare! She is also on a small dose of thyroid medication which seems to be keeping her in a normal range. Her last blood test indicated that her cushings related values were much improved. Are all cushings symptoms typically supposed to improve with Vet./Mondr.? She has been taking fish oil & vit. A, D, & C for her skin and coat. Anyone have any thoughts or encouragements or similar stories? Any other good source of information, web sites or groups? Thanks!
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
August 06, 2005 08:01AM
Hi, Debi,
If you live in the UK it is illegal to use Modrenal when there is an alternative (Vetoryl) licensed for use in dogs.
If your dog has had no adverse effectes, why not wait and see rather than change his medication because of second-hand stories?
Re: Vetoryl / Mondrenal (Trilostane)
August 06, 2005 01:32PM
My cockapoo, Tootsie, started Mondrenal in Jan. '05. Her pot belly has improved, but hairloss, shaking back legs, excessive desire for food and water, etc. continue. Recently, (yes,since Vetoryl) she seems to be scratching her chin and chewing on her legs more. Also, her eyes are extremely red and itchy. She has always had a little allergy stuff going on, but this is far more and her usual eye drops aren't helping. My main hope is that she is getting the "internal" benefits, although, I'm not excite about a hairless dog! Her poor tail is almost bare! She is also on a small dose of thyroid medication which seems to be keeping her in a normal range. Her last blood test indicated that her cushings related values were much improved. Are all cushings symptoms typically supposed to improve with Vet./Mondr.? She has been taking fish oil & vit. A, D, & C for her skin and coat. Anyone have any thoughts or encouragements or similar stories? Any other good source of information, web sites or groups? Thanks!
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