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My cat is drgging her back left leg.

Posted by zaigon 
My cat is drgging her back left leg.
March 26, 2011 04:56PM
My cat started having difficulty walking a week ago, I took her to the vet,and they did not fine anything wrong with her they did some test, the next day another Dr from the clinic call me and told me her LDH and Amylase were high, and gave some medicines for her to take. The trouble with her walking was increasing, and now she is dragging her back left leg, I took her to the same vet again,and he did some xrays and examined her with a needle on her leg, the x rays showed that the hip bone is out of the socket, and mostly she will need surgery, but they can not warranty the results of the surgery, that me may need to start thinking about putting her to sleep. Im devastated because she eats, she tries to move around regarding of her dragging legs, also the situation keeps lingering, because they wanted an specialist to see the x rays. My husband thinks that maybe by just pulling her leg the bone could be move in place. I also read some where in the internet that keeping the cat in a cage, and limiting her moving , the joint may fix itself.
Cat may have broken leg
January 21, 2006 11:26AM
My cat got out about 2 weeks ago and just came back last night. we don't know where she went but, is dirty and limping and very hungry and thirsty. I assumed her limping may have been because she was weak but, she is still limping this morning. My husband felt a lump on her leg. I'm affraid she may have broken it. HOw can I tell with out taking her to the vet? If I have to take her do you know of any office that takes payments since $50. is probably all I can afford to pay a month. Thank you for you help. P.s. cats name is Paris
Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 21, 2006 01:58PM
Hi, Peggy,

If you cat does have a broken leg, it would almost certainly not be putting it to the ground at all - not just limping.

Youn do not say if it is a front leg or a bag leg, or if the limp is hard or soft. A bite from another cat can produce a swelling, and a limp, and is very

I know very little about veterinarian's charges in the US, where I assume that you are, since you mention a limit of $50. This web site is basewd in the UK, and the equivalent of $50 would not go very far in mending a broken leg. There are, however, various charities in England which can often help in cases like yours. If I can find out about any in the US I will get back to you. Which state do you live in?

Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 21, 2006 08:51PM
Hi Walter,

It is her back right leg, above the knee. Could be the hip also. There is a lump and she does not want to put pressure on it at all. Also I was trying to clean her up and noticed a lump under her anus that looks to be oozing. I'm afraid she may have been hit by a car. She is drinking and eating and using the litter box but has not had a BM. I live in Largo, Florida. Thank you for your help.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 22, 2006 09:35AM
Hi, Peggy,

I really think that your cat should be seen by a veterinarian. I am waiting a response from a colleague in the US who may be able to advise on financial help. In the meantime, you could ask your local veterinary office for an estimate of the cost ofan initial examination.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 22, 2006 01:55PM

We took Paris to a vet hospital last night. They said if I relinquished all rights to the cat they would take her in give her medical care then turn her over to the SPCA for adoption. It was very sad. If I had not of done that then, I would have to pay for all fees (x-ray, surgery ect) and if nothing could be done to save her, I would have to pay to put her to sleep also. They did tell me about some plans to look into for the future should my other cat have any problems. Please let know when you hear back from your colleague of any advice for future problems. thank you
Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 23, 2006 03:38PM
Hi, Peggy,

I am sorry to hear that the cost of having your cat treated was to lose it! That seems very hard.

When I hear from my friend in the US I will get back. I think he must be on vacation just now.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
January 27, 2006 02:18PM
Hi, Peggy,

My contact in the States says that he thinks you did the right thing in signing your cat over to the SPCA so that she could get treatment. It seems that there is not as wide a coverage for pet ownere in the US to get treatment for their pets from animal welfare charities as it is here in the UK. It appears, however, that veterinary fees in America are significantly lower than in the UK!

Gail Jones
Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 22, 2006 05:45AM
I'm taking care of my elderly 92 year old Aunt. She yelled out in the middle of the night for me and being in a hurry to get down the hall to her my cat Ranger jumped out in front of me and got between my feet. He took a pretty hard blow to his body or leg as I was almost in a run to get to my Aunt. Guess I kicked him with my feet. He just took off running and ran under the bed. He won't come out and he's slapping his tail against the floor as if he's in pain. He's not crying or anything but I'm scared he might die in the middle of the night if he's hurt bad enough. No vomiting or anything, just slapping his tail real hard on the floor as if he's mad. I can't leave my Aunt in the middle of the night to get Vet care. Is in the morning going to be too late? What must I do? Please reply asap. Thank you very much!
Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 22, 2006 09:25AM
Hi, Gail,

Unless you actually stood on your cat and caused some internal injury, I do not think it will take any harm to be left for a few hours. It may be that he was scared rather than hurt, and when he does come out may well be OK.
See what he looks like and how he behaves when he does.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 04, 2006 06:59PM
What do I do?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 09, 2006 07:35AM
Get it seen by a vet.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 15, 2006 09:02PM
Hi there!

I have a male cat of about four years old, he strayed away from my house on the 12/6/06 and then three days later he came back-with a swollen left back leg.He can't seem to put weight on it as it is so swollen and he is limping all the time. He is eating and drinking as usual. He doesn't seem to be in pain as i have heard him purr a couple of times. It could just be a bite from another cat but i just want to make sure. His name is Olly.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 16, 2006 06:42AM
Hi, Edel,
I think you should take your cat to see a veterinarian. In either case, cat bite or broken leg, he needs professional treatment.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
December 10, 2006 03:43AM
Hi, I found my cat limping today. She eats and drinks normally. At this time of the year I really can't afford to get her checked on by the vet. Does anyone know anything it could be?
Possibly rabies, a broken foot, or a cat bite?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
December 10, 2006 09:16AM
Hi, Shell,

From our description I think the most likely explanantion is a cat bite. You do not say whether it is a back leg or a front leg that is bothering her, but if you look closely, separating the fur, at the upper leg and thigh if it is at the back, or the paw and above it in the front, you may find the puncture marks(s) of a bite.
If so, she really should have an antibiotic injection - cat bites do tend to go septic very quickly, and just bathing with an antiseptic does not help, since the bite is quite deep.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
December 17, 2006 06:48PM
I have a 4 month old kitten. Two days ago, she started limping. Her back right leg is swollen like a club. She puts a bit of weight on it, but is in pain when she does. Yesturday, we thought she was doing a bit better as the swelling seemed to be going down. Now today, she is picking at it, and has made it bleed badly. She wont let us touch it, but from what we can see, it appears that she MAY have exposed some bone, or flesh in her picking that we had not seen on day one. She is not an outdoor cat, has never set foot in the great outdoors, so it is not another cat bite, or hit by a car. however, the only indication that we have of what MIGHT have happened to her, is the fact that our daughters bedroom curtains were ripped on the same day as the cat injured her leg. Is it possible for her to have broken the leg in a fall from the curtains?? and if it is only a sprain why would she have picked at it until it is bleeding? We live in the country and cannot get her to see a vet until tomorrow morning, (they dont work on Sundays,and we dont know if this qualifies as an emergency) She is still eating, drinking, trying to hobble around, we just cannot begin to think what may have happened to her. Any insight????
Re: Cat may have broken leg
December 18, 2006 10:40AM
Hi, Tracey,

You kitten may have a compound fracture, which does need fairly urgent treatment. By now, I expect that you will have had her seen by a vet who will have advised you as to treatment. Sorry to have been so long replying to you.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 05, 2007 04:19PM
How long does it take for a broken front leg on a 10 month old cat to heal ?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 05, 2007 04:58PM
Hi, Cornelia,

It depends upon the quality of the 'fixation'.

If the fracture is properly immobilised by plaster of paris or by sugical bone pinning, 6 to 8 weeks.

If it left to heal on its own - and I hope that is not the case here- it may take months, or, indeed, it may never mend.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 15, 2007 09:07PM
Hi, Liz,

If you think your kitten may have a broken leg, and from your description it sounds very likely, you MUST get her treated.
I do not know wwhere you live or if there are any aanimal welfare charities near you who may be able to help, but if you leave her untreated you are risking prosecution for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal in your care.
broken right front paw?
March 19, 2007 12:44AM
Missy got her front paw caught between the garage door panels this afternoon. We didn't know how did that happen. The garage door was up before the accident.When we heard scream, Missy's right front paw was caught, the garage door was down. We had to lift the garage door up to get her out. She can't put any weight on that leg and she is sleeping a lot. Unfortunately, we can't take her to the vet probably until Tuesday since our car is in the repair shop. I don't know if her paw is broken. If is, what is the treatment? What can we do? Will she be ok?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 19, 2007 09:35AM
Hi, Hua,

I think it very probable that your kitten's paw is broken. It should not take any harm before Tuesady, and a simple cast will probably be sufficient to fix it.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 22, 2007 08:23AM
Tonight, at midnight Illinois time, my son called me informing me that when he got up in a darkened room he accidently stepped on his 6 month old kittens front paw. He stated that he heard a popping sound when he stepped on it. He thought the point of injury was approximately in the wrist area of the front leg. He stated that she does occasionally put touch down weight on it, but that it looks like it does not always hold her weight. I asked him to try to immobilize her, and to ice it, remembering to apply ice for only short periods due to being unconfortable and could cause adverse effects if left too long.

In the morning he will take her to the vet. Is this acceptable emergency treatment when a vet is unobtainable? What do you advise?

Could this injury cause loss of limb or paralysis?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 22, 2007 06:43PM
If the kitten's leg is broken at the carpal joint, and the skin is not broken, a 24 hour delay in getting it to a vet will not make it any worse. Your manipulating it may do so however, and if you can immobilise it - but not by puytting on a too tight bandage - all the better.
Claire Lintell
Cat may have broken leg
March 25, 2007 01:12AM
Hi everyone, just had one of our 17 yr old cats in for an operation on a broken shoulder/top of leg - she has made it thank goodness but it has cost nearly £900 already and on the way back from the vets we had to buy a cage to keep her in for 2 wks and that cost £54!!

We love our cats dearly and having her put down wasn't an option and they are both too old for insurance so what else can you do?

First night of her being home and we are all so nervous for her, she has had a plate and screws inserted because her break wasn't straight forward but she is recovering well and although it means no holiday this year now it was 100% worth it!

Hope this gives some hope to people worried about a very old cat having surgery.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
March 25, 2007 12:07PM
Hi, Clare,

Thank you for that. The decision to spend so much on an animal with a short life expectancy is a very difficult one to take. So long as you are satisfied that you have made the right choice, good.

Mike Armstrong
Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 02, 2007 11:58PM
My male cat has broken his back leg and is in a cast. Is says to imobilize him for a while, maybe 6 weeks. I think he will do more damage and be more uncortable in a cage. The cast is large and heavy. What do you recomend?

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 04, 2007 07:26PM
Hi, Mike,

Cats are notorious for being able to get out of a cast, and, also, he will have little means of protecting himself if he is allowed to go out with a cast on, so for both these reasons you must kep him contained as you have been advised to do.

Cat may have broken foot
April 08, 2007 01:50PM
My cat came in the room last night and wasn't putting any weight on one of her front feet. I don't think there is anything stick in one of her pads because she hasn't been licking/biting at it. She keeps her paw up and it is bent at the 'wrist'. I don't perceive any swelling. It clearly hurts, and I'm not sure how urgent it is--it is Easter Sunday and while I plan to take her to the vet first thing in the a.m. (assuming they can get her in), I wondered whether I should seek treatment immediately. Thanks in advance for your response.
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