VetClick Discussion Forum

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 08, 2007 03:01PM
Hi, Kay,

Yourcat may equally have been bitten in the paw. In either case, i do not think it will take ny harm before the next time your veterinary surgery is open, Monday or even Tuesday.

Do NOT give any painkiller, such as aspirin.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 09, 2007 04:53PM
My cat Max went out 2 nights ago and came back yeterday but he has been limping on his front left paw. i whated to see if it would be better in the morning but he is still limping on it. i have no money i am only 17 and my mom has no money ether. what should i do?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 09, 2007 08:50PM

Do you live in the UK? If so, there are several animal welfare organisations which would help you - the PDSA, Cats Protection, the Blue Cross or the RSPCA.
If you live elsewhere your nearest veteterinary practice may be able to tell you where you could go for help.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 21, 2007 12:53AM
I think that my 11 year old cat broke his leg. He does'nt put any pressure on it and if he does it gives him pain. If I try to touch it he gets angry. He may have gotten in a cat fight but I'm not sure. It is his front leg, it is swollen pretty bad. It also was bleeding a little bit. Thank You.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 23, 2007 08:03AM
I think it more likely to be a cat bite, but either way you should get it checked out by a vet.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 27, 2007 01:18PM
My cat had a small fight with my older cat a couple days ago and she has been limping ever since. Since it has happened she has been putting more and more weight on the leg affected. Today she has a large swollen area around her shoulder and the leg itself is swollen to about the 'elbow'. Broken or abscess? Just swollen from sprain or something?

Thanks for your help.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
April 28, 2007 01:58PM
Hi, K,

from your description this sounds lke a 'cat bite abscess' which really needs professional treatment from a vet ASAP.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 21, 2007 08:21PM
Hi Walter,

My mum's just rang to say my cat (missing for 2 days) was found walking on 3 legs with her back leg very out of place and teeth marks in it. She's at the vet now at if it has to be amputated I think they may put her down as shes 14 years old and that's not a good quality of life for the cat.
Anyway I just wandered if you had an inkling of the survival chances of a cat with a broken back leg, or is it a "How long is a piece of string?" kind of Question,

Thanks G
Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 21, 2007 08:41PM
Hi, G,

If there are teeth marks on your cat's leg it may not be broken. Cat bites to another cat can cause infection and pain and produce a 100% lameness. If that is the case here antibiotic treatment will almost ceratinly fix it. Amputation of a broken leg is very much a treatment of last resort and your vet will only advise it if the leg is beyond repair.
Cats ( and dogs) get about remarkably well on three legs, having lost either a front or hind limb. If she is otherwise fit and healthy I see no reason not to have whatever treatment your vet advises.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 21, 2007 08:56PM

The news just in is the Vet (an emergancy one) says it is "very nasty" and has given her some medication, she is going to our usual vet tomorrow. She also said that the fact that Perry (sorry the cat) has lasted so long - she went missing on Saturday morning and was only found today- is a positive thing but without x-rays they won't know the best course of action. I guess this means things must be looking up or they would have put her down tonight?

Apparently not a cat bite but a fox or large rat bite! I didn't realise fellow cat bites could get so nasty.

Thank you very much,
Christine Gonzalez
Re: Cat may have broken leg
May 29, 2007 11:20PM
My case is similar to the ones Ive read. My cat got out 2 weeks ago and it finally came back last night. She was laying in the bushes meowing and when I brought her in the house and put her down, she was dragging her back legs like she was paralized. She is eating ok but she has not moved from the spot I put her in from last night. After reading the previous cases, I looked on her body and saw what looks like a bite mark. Could that cause temparary paralises? I dont have the time or money to take care of a paralized cat. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow morning.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 02, 2007 01:47PM
Hi, Christine,

By now you should have been to the vet and had advice. I hope everything turns out OK.
However, I would stress very strongly that anyone who has neither 'the time or money' to look after a pet properly is not a fit person to have one.

Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 04, 2007 06:45PM
i have a 2 year old cat that broke his leg, we took him to the vet and they put a cast on him. he had it for about 2 weeks and then we took him back in and they put on a new one . . that new one has fallen off and he babied his foot for a few days but now his behavior is normal and he's up to his usual antics. my question is, is it absolutely necissary to get a cast put back on? the vet origionally said 6 weeks and it's only been 3. the break was a fracture on all 4 of his bones in the lower half of his hind leg. he doesn't seem to be in any pain anymore.

seattle, wa usa
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 04, 2007 07:02PM
Hi, Sam,

Cats seem to be able to take off a plaster cast as easily as we can take off a sock!
If he is walking OK, and there does not appear to be any misalignment of the leg, he will probably be OK.

Katy Bedlion
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 06, 2007 09:34PM
I am in the US, but just in need of advice, I have a kitten, she is about 8-9 months old now, I came home to find her curled under my bed, she wouldn't come out to me and I had to crawl under ther to get her. Her front, right foot, right at the bend in the leg and foot, she is just letting it hang there, refusing to put any weight on it, it seems to be a bit more lose than her other fron foot, she didn't fight me when I was looking it over, I can't find any type of bite mark, or any other wound, the only time she fussed was when I trying to softly straighten the foot. Like I said, I believe it hurts where the joint is... I am really worried about her, she is sitting here at my side just laying wth me and doesn't want me to leave her side, I lost my job and have no money for the vet, Do you think it is broken? And if so... I really should find a way to pay for the vet shouldn't I?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 07, 2007 12:56AM
My Older Male cat (Tom) is in surgery right now having his broken back leg pinned and wired. (spiral fracture)
My question is more directed towards the 8-12 weeks of healing.
The vets assistant mentioned that we will have to keep Tom from walking/running for 8 weeks. I assume we will have to keep him caged for this time. Tom will not like this one bit....
Are there any techniques we can use to make him more comfortable?

Thanks for any suggestions.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 07, 2007 02:10PM
Hi, Darren,
Yes you should really try and restrict his activity for a few weeks. Try to contain him in a faily big cage - at least 1 square yard, with his favourite toys and food bowl and litter tray. Take him out often and give hime plenty of TLC. (He may well prefer not to have his litter tray inside his cage, so give him the option of another for him to use when you have him out)
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 07, 2007 06:36PM
Thank you Walter
Tom didnt make it through the night, his little heart stopped.

sad smiley
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 08, 2007 12:25PM
Hi, Darren,
I was so sorry to hear that you cat died after all you tried to do for him.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 11, 2007 01:05AM
Dear Walter,
My Cat wouldn't come home last night or this morning and so I went looking for her. I found her lying under some bushes near a busy main road (what I had feared) She looked a little dazed. I slowly picked her up and she didn't cry out in pain or growl but let me pick her up and I noticed her back legs, mainly one leg hung limp and crocked like it was broken. When I lay her down at home she couldn't walk but was draging herself around to short distances. She tries to stand up at times but her back legs won't hold her and she cries out in pain. I'm not sure if it's both legs but I know for sure one foot appears broken and it's limper than the other foot. Could it be she broke her hip area and a foot? She won't eat but her eyes are bright and she wants to move but seems frustrated that she can't get around. She seemed cold when I first found her but I warmed her up and now her temperature feels normal. She still wags her tail and responds to her head being petted. But when she moves she definitely is in pain. I can't see any lumps or bites or blood. Will she eventually eat? Like many others I can't afford to pay a big vet bill. Should I see the RSPCA? Will they take her away from me?
Thanks, Carri
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 11, 2007 07:56AM
Hi, Carri,

It sounds like your cat has been very severely injured and needs aurgent attention.
Do you live any where near a PDSA, BlueCross or RSPCA animal hospital? If you phone your practice an explain the circumstances they may be able to point you in the right direction. The Bluecross may also be willing to contribute up to £150 towards treatment.See
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 14, 2007 04:06PM
hi my cat was ran a way a came back then he is limping on his foot i feelt it and it not big so it may be a spran he is eating fine he going to the bath room fine but he has a cut on him
and when i touch it he dose not like it so it could be the cut is dryed up
i could be that

his name is buster
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 14, 2007 10:17PM
Hi, I've been reading through this excellent forum and just wonder if you can help me.
My 7 month old kitty was missing for over 24hours. She came back hungry, thirsty and unable to weight bear on her left hind leg.
I took her to the vet as soon as they opened, and the vet agreed with me she had been hit by a car.
She went to theatre and was spayed (was due that week!) and now has a long cast on her leg.
Sparky is fairly comfortable, she is living in a babies travel cot, with a board over it when we go to bed. I'm feeding her little and often, and lots of fish and chicken, which she loves.
I have a follow up appointment for 7 days post op, but can't remember how long the vet said the cast would be on for?
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 15, 2007 07:53AM
Hi, Debbie,
Thank you for the compliment - I do my best!
If your kitten is still growing the cast should not stay on for more than 2-3 weeks before being replaced, as it may cause problems.
If your kitten is fully grown it may be necessary to leave it on for about 6 weeks, unless she gets it off first - and cats are very good at getting out of plaster casts! Your vet will have assessed it from the x-rays, and is best able to advise you on either count. He will tell you at your follow-up appoinment.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 17, 2007 05:52AM
my neighbor was throwing my 9 week old kitten in the air.I was not there to see it but my brother told me. it is his left hind leg that seems hurt. my dad said he is not going to take it to the vet because i wazs not the one who broke it.the kids dad is going to take it in the morining. It is not the hip i know for sure becouase he is moving it. i think it is the ankle or what ever you call it.his leg kid of hangs to the side and he applies just a little pressure on it. no bone protrudes through the skin. he is purring and trying to polay with its brother.he is now lating on a pillow and seems comfortable.
Fiona Anderson
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 21, 2007 07:19PM
Hi there,

Came across this site by accident and it seems really helpfull so I was wondering if you could spare some advice. My approx 4yr old cat has broken a bone in her left hind leg. This was confirmed by the vet and x-rays. She had her leg in a stooky for a week with no problems. The following week it was replaced and at this point it seemed to rub against the top of her thigh causing a sore. Again a week later it was changed and this was pointed out to the vet who redressed her leg. 2 days after this she managed to pull the whole cast off and was obviously in some distress. Her left paw looked chaffed and raw, as well as various red sore areas. Her leg was also hot to touch. Once again she was taken to the vet as I was concerned her cast had only been on for 2 weeks ( I swear I'm keeping that vet in business!). The vet checked her out and gave her a prophylactic antibiotic and antiemetic (as she had vomited several times the previous night). The advice given was to keep the cast off and keep her in a small room in the house with food and litter tray nearby, basically on bedrest. I'm religiously following their advice but am concerened as she is still not fully weight bearing that leg and limping. The red, hot leg remains inflammed looking and was just wondering what your thought were. Is it possible for cats to get DVT? How long will the leg bone take to heal without a cast and will it cause long term problems? She is due to go to the vet again on Monday but your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 22, 2007 06:50AM
Hi, Fiona,

Cats are well known for their ability to step out of a plaster cast just like you can step out of a wellington boot!
I think that the advice from your vet, and the action taken are wholly appropriate. Do not worry about her not putting wieght on the leg - that is all to the good.
Ctas do get DVT, but not in the circumstances you describe. The bone will take some 6-8 weeks to set unless there are complications I am not aware of.
Your vet seems to be 'on the case'. Follow instructions.

Fiona Anderson
Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 22, 2007 03:07PM
Many thanks for your reply. It has given me confidence that things will only improve! Appreciate your time,

Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 29, 2007 05:35PM
my 2.5 year old cat has come in limping. it is his back left pawhat he won't put down. he went straight out again so did not get a chance to examine it. have made an appt for morning just in case. is it likey to be a break or just something stuck in the paw and any ideas how much for x-rays etc?

Re: Cat may have broken leg
June 29, 2007 09:11PM

This is more likely to be a bite or soft tissue injury than a broken leg - your vet should be able to tell you withouit an x-ray.
I cannot give you any information about fees for any veterinary procedure - all veterinary practices have their own scale of fees.
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