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Guinea Pig After birth

Posted by Bec Miratana 
Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 07, 2009 12:44PM
No, but do not disturb her or the babies for the time being.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 14, 2009 09:14AM
My gp had babies 2 weeks ago, she is long haired, but this is falling out, she is eating loads, drinking and is still very happy when picked up,i notice tat its growing back in places, is this ok
Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 14, 2009 12:12PM
Nothing to be concerned about.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
December 06, 2009 12:30AM
hi there, my guinea pig gave birth to 3 babies this morning, they didnt look too good, they were very lathargic, and cold, and the mother wont go near them! what should we do to ensure they are all ok?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
December 06, 2009 10:09AM
You could try a hot water bottle in the cage, but I suspect that they will not survive.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
December 31, 2009 07:36AM
My Guiea Pig gave birth over night, everything was fine, just there was only one baby. is that ok? or should I be worried?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
December 31, 2009 08:14AM

A single baby is not unsusual, and if Mum seems OK, she probably is.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 15, 2010 02:45PM
My long haired Guinea Pig(Maple) just gave brith about 2 days ago and she only had 1 baby is this ok or should i be worried?My guinea pig Maple has been acting very strange after birth to 1 healthy baby and she has this barn thing in her cage and maple and her 1 baby are always in there and they won't come out unless i take the barn out what should i do? My guniea Pig had 2 lumps on her waist and she only had one baby what should i do? How do you tell the sex of the newborn baby? how long tell i can find out the sex? If Maple my guinea pig has her 1 baby be a girl should i still seperate Maple from her baby? and if so what age do i seperate them? if i don't seperate them and the 1 baby is a girl will they try to make a baby or just when it's a male? I don't have the father of Maple's 1 baby...cause i got maple at a pet store. What age will Maple's baby be able to eat dry food and fruits and vegies? what kind of fruits and veggies should i give the mother and baby? shold i give the baby small peices or just a big whole peice like i do with the mother? I hope you can help me and maple and her 1 Baby
Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 15, 2010 04:11PM

Would some Guinea-pi expert like to answer Syd's questions
Alternatively Syd, you could buy a book on GP's !

Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 26, 2010 12:17AM
Hello, my 5 month year old guinea pig just gave birth yesterday to four healthy baby guinea pigs. they are doing fine. I dont know how long I should wait until I reunite the mother with her male counterpart (husband/ father to new litter). Also, Ive picked her numerous times to take her out and play with her babies... I have picked up the babies a lot too. I dont know if this is a problem! I think that the male father of the babies is very neglective to the babies. When I put them together, he runs over them trying to find the mother. Then if I even let him get her scent, he will freak out and trample anything in his path. I really need some help! thanks!
Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 26, 2010 08:03AM

The male should be kept away from the mother and babies for a t least a week to let the babies get mature enough to keep ou of his way.
In fact, unless you wish to start guine-pig farminmg you need to separate the sexes almost right away. If you do your sums, working out how soon the females canm breed, and how often, you will see that you will be deep in GPs quite soon!

help please
Re: my gp just gave birth to 3 babies need help please
April 05, 2010 06:37AM
My GP just gave birth to 3 babies and i noticed that the mum started to eat at the babies ears.Is that anywhere normal? i am now worried about leaving them alone with the mum. how soon after being born should they be nursed ? it is now about 3 hours since they where born and mum doesnt want to nurse them none of them.
what should i do ? i hope to hear from you soon thank you
Re: my gp just gave birth to 3 babies need help please
April 05, 2010 07:52AM

I suspect that you interfered too much with mum and the babies as and immediately after they were born. Best to be left totally alone for a while to let Mum get used to her babies.
At this point I think that maybe you SHOULD supervise very closely, and try to restrain the mother while the babies feed - every few hours -24/24,- and then keep them seperate in a warm box until she accepts them.

If any one reading this has more experitise than I with this sort of problem, please feel free to comment.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 05, 2010 12:56PM
hi i have a long haired guinea pig and she gave birth 3 days ago but in just wondring how long do the babys sukle on there mom for...

.p.s. can you reply by emaling me on

thank you
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 06, 2010 07:56AM
Cavy babies are quite mature when they are born and are weaned after a few weeks.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 14, 2010 01:30PM
Hello! 3 weeks ago my piggie gave birth to 2 babies. 1 male and 1 female.
as the time of weaning has come, i don't know what to do...
A week ago, i thought that there were both males, and a separate cage would do... But now in my case do i need two more? one for mom and two more for the babies separately? Is it proper to leave the female with her mom?

Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 14, 2010 03:50PM
Just separate the males from the females unless you wish to start a guinea-pig farm!
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 15, 2010 05:40PM
Hello again! I made a mistake about the gender of the babies... Both are male, so i separated them from the mother but they are "crying".
I put the mother in a different room and they keep quiet as long as they can't hear each other. For how long do you thing i should keep this distance so that will both mom and piggies get used to the separation?

Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 15, 2010 05:45PM
As long as it takes
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 25, 2010 05:51AM
Guinea pig had babies today but she is not moving, drinking any water or anything at all! What should I do??
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 25, 2010 07:40AM
Nothing for time being - leave her alone with her babies and see what she is like tomorrow.
Heather I. Brau
Re: guinea pig after birth care
May 24, 2010 02:59AM
My guinea pig has given birth today and I wasn't really prepared. so I moved her to another cage with her babies and I noticed that she is still bleeding, and when I picked her up it got worse, does this mean she has a problem do I darebothe rher by taking her to the vet. What should I do If it doesn't let up. Coul it be just after birth?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
May 24, 2010 09:43AM
Yes, this is probably just the placentas and other bits and pieces coming away. it should settle in 24 -48 hours.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 06, 2010 07:09PM
My GP mated with his sister and she now is pregnant will the babies be normal? I mean not defective?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 08, 2010 07:44AM
Probaably OK, but there is nothing that you can do about it now anyway. Adult siblings of dfefferent sex should be seperated
Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 22, 2011 10:24PM
My guinea pig just gave birth today, do I need to lower her water bottle for the little ones to get it? Do they need water at this time?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 28, 2011 07:21PM
Guinea piglets are born able to eat and drink like an adult but the mother still produces milk for them. If you lower the water bottle for them it may be too low for mum so you may be better putting in a second bottle which is lower - it will take them a while to work out what to do with it though!
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 24, 2011 03:15PM
my gp had 3 babies 11 days ago, my gp had lost some weight since she had the babies.
she can't eat because the babies are bugging her do you think thats why she is geting so skinny.
can i separate her from the babies to feed her.
how meeny minutes or seconds should i separate her
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 26, 2011 05:00PM
I don't pretend to be an expert but guinea pigs but if you genuinely think the harassment by the babies is causing the problem then you can separate them for a few hours at a time to let her settle. Are you sure you are feeding her enough? Baby guineapigs are able to eat food from birth so they may be pigging most of the food if you are not feeding enough. It is also possible that the cause of the weight loss is because she is ill so it may be best to see the vet.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
May 06, 2011 08:54PM
My gp had babies like a year ago and only one survived. I don't know why. Can they have a second litter?


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