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Guinea Pig After birth

Posted by Bec Miratana 
Bec Miratana
Guinea Pig After birth
August 21, 2011 09:55AM

Today my Guinea Pig had two healthy big babies
However the sow refuses to let them feed off her, every time a baby goes to find her nipple she runs away
What does this mean? Thankyou! smiling smiley
guinea pig after birth care
September 12, 2006 12:56PM
hello my pig gave birth yesterday to three health babies. however days before she was due to went off her dried food as well as cabbage, brocalli, kale and carrots. even now after the birth all i can get her to eat is celery, danellions and hay. i even tried the bread and milk thing. i am also giving her the vit c in her water. is this enough?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
September 12, 2006 02:45PM
Hi, Hilary,

The most important thing is not to stress your GP by constantly disturbing her or her babies for several days.
So long as she is eating and drinking, exactly what she is eating is of little concern.
Put the dried food in for her - it will not go 'off'.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
May 18, 2008 05:40PM
My guinea pig had 3 babies earlier today. When the males become 3 weeks and we need to seperate them, is it possible to put them in with their father while the females stay with their mother or will he hurt them ?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
May 19, 2008 07:11AM
You must keep the babies away from their father - he would almost certainly attack them.
Chelsea-Leigh Dimech
Guinea pig after birth
December 28, 2008 11:12PM
I have just noticed that one of my guinea pigs have given birth. When I bought my guinea pigs (both girls) from a guinea pig and rabbit breeder, she assured me that the guinea pis were girls. One guinea pig was really big and the other was quite small. But the small guinea pig started to get bigger. She was also loosing quite a lot of hair. After having the guinea pigs for 2-3 months, I suddenly realised that there was only one new baby. But the new baby was totally dry. I've put in a smaller bowl of dry biscuits in the cage so the baby can reach. I have also put in some fresh spring greens and some fresh carrots. The baby seems to be eating fine.

I need some help on what to do with the situation!!!
Re: guinea pig after birth care
December 29, 2008 10:55AM

What a lovely Christmas present!

Keep the adults separate, and when the baby is big enough to support itself put it with either of the adults, but which one according to its sex.

Female GPs start to breed at an incredibly early age, so if it is a female, and you continue to keep the three together, you will be inundated with guinea pigs in a very short time!

Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 10, 2009 01:35AM
My Guinea Pig has just given birth and she appears to be very tired, is there anything that I should give her as a pick up?
Also one of the babies appears very lethargic, is there anything I should do?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 10, 2009 09:22AM
Keep them - mother and babies - warm and dry with as little interference as possible.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 11, 2009 04:52PM
my guinea pig has just given birth. But she Still has blood on her butt, what does that mean? She also runs alot , what does that mean? Her butt is also bald and has a ball
Re: guinea pig after birth care
January 11, 2009 07:42PM

The 'bald ball' and the blood may mean that she has a prolpase, and I suggest that you get to the vet first thing Monday morning whilst it can still be fixed.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
February 25, 2009 04:23AM
guinea pig started making a funny sound after having babies.
What can you feed the babies if the mother not feeding them.
just asking!
Re: guinea pig after birth care
February 25, 2009 12:43PM

I have never hear of it being necessary, but I would think that a commercial cat or dog milk subsitute which you can get a a good pet shop would be OK.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 19, 2009 04:50PM
In November one of my guinea pigs gave birth. She gave birth to one and it was male. We had to take the baby away after two and a half weeks as he tried to mount his mother and we didn't want any more babies. After the birth the mother lost some weight and has never put it back on. She seems to eat quite alot, both dry food and fruit and veg, but after being fed fruit and veg she begins to excrete profusely. She also whines almost constantly and very rarely stops. My other female guinea pig is quite a bit bigger and plumper too, and doesn't excrete nearly as often. Any advice?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
March 20, 2009 08:46AM

Your GP may have a bowel infection which is nothing to do with her having had a baby, or she may have a metabolic disorder which is preventing her from digesting her food.
I am sorry but I cannot be more specific than that, nor can I offer any suggestions for treatment since I have not been able to reach a diagnosis.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 15, 2009 03:32AM
Hi, my guinea pig had a baby (female) five days ago. I've separated the male, but he seems to be fretting on his own sad smiley
How long until he can be put back in with the other two?

Thanks, Mel.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
April 15, 2009 07:50AM

Baby cavies mature very quickly, and they are sociable animals ( unlike hamsters) so it should be safe to reunite the family now.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 09, 2009 11:03PM
how often should/can you handle a new born guinea pig?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 10, 2009 10:42AM
Not at all for at least a week.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 16, 2009 01:37PM
hello my pig gave birth yesterday to three health babies. however days before she was due to went off her dried food as well as cabbage, brocalli, kale and carrots. even now after the birth all i can get her to eat is celery, danellions and hay. i even tried the bread and milk thing. i am also giving her the vit c in her water. is this enough?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 16, 2009 04:29PM
She will need a high fluid intake to nurse the babies, so she is better off without dry food just now.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 22, 2009 08:39PM
I got to guinea pigs a year ago and they were supposed to be boys but one was a girls and one was a boy so in the end today my guinea pig has had 4 little babies but can i do anything to help the mum?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
June 23, 2009 04:27PM

Just separate the father from the mother and babies.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
July 25, 2009 01:28AM
How long should I wait to hold my guinea pig after she gives birth?
Re: guinea pig after birth care
July 25, 2009 08:10AM

I would advise waiting until the babies are a few days old.

maria callaghan
Re: guinea pig after birth care
October 27, 2009 08:58PM
my lovely guinepig gave birth to five babies, they are beautiful but im worried what to do next....
Re: guinea pig after birth care
October 28, 2009 12:32PM
Leave ut all to mum. She will know what to do.
Joanne Winters
Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 02, 2009 09:00PM
Hi my guinea pig had 3 babies today and i want to no when it is safe to put the male back in with her and her babies. What age do you seperate the babies from the mum. How do i no if the mum is ok as she still has a little bit of blood coming from her.
Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 03, 2009 08:55AM

GP babies are very mature when born, and grow up very quickly. It should be OK to put dad back in after a few days - but watch how they get on, The babies should be separated - from dad, certainly if there are any females when they are feeding themselves - a month or so.

Re: guinea pig after birth care
November 07, 2009 12:24PM
Hello, My guinea pig just gave birth this morning to two healthy looking babies. They all seem fine, Is there anything I should do? Give her anything different?

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