VetClick Discussion Forum

Cat rash
January 19, 2016 03:53AM
My adult male cat has a rash on his chin. The area is red, inflamed, and swollen/bulbous, also the fur is thinning out around that area. He does not want anyone to touch the rash area and scratches it occasionally. He used to be an outdoor cat until two years ago, but he kept getting hurt so now he stays inside. Until about two months ago we had an old dog living with us who had become incontinent from old age and as an unfortunate result out carpets were really unhygienic, soaked in urine, for a few months. Finally my dad was able to put the dog down at his ripe old age and get the carpets cleaned and replaced. I'm worried that these conditions may have caused this skin leisure, even though it has appeared sometime after the carpets were cleaned. I'm sorry if I'm over sharing but I'm really worried about my cat and if anyone could give a few possible diagnosis and maybe some ideas to help alleviate any pain or discomfort for my cat until I can afford to take him to a vet at the end of the month, I'd really appreciate it.

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