VetClick Discussion Forum

Enlarged heart and possible seizures
January 25, 2016 03:56AM

I have a three-year old male cat who I was told had a heart murmur when I adopted him. He was healthy until about four months ago, when he had his first "attack." He vomited, began breathing very heavily, panting and lost control of his bowel movements. It didn't appear that he ever lost consciousness although he eyes did look "off." We took him to a vet who ran various tests and x-rays and concluded that he had an enlarged heart and put him on enalapril every day. Since then, the seizures or "attacks" have been getting more frequent, although sometimes less severe. He is usually fully recovered within the hour- eating, drinking, using the liter box, snuggling. He seems completely healthy other than these episodes. Does this diagnosis seem correct? Is there something more I can be doing? We will try anything

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