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anul glands

Posted by sandra 
anul glands
September 25, 2004 12:14PM
my rotty is driving me mad she needs to have her anul glands emptied but i dont no how to can u tell me
Re: anul glands
September 26, 2004 07:42AM
Hi, Sandra,
I strongly suggest that this is matter for your vet - it takes skill and bravery to empty a Rottie's anal glands if he does not want it done!
Alan E
Re: anul glands
November 02, 2005 07:14PM
My groomer said that the anul glands need to be emptied I never heard of this is she right?
Re: anul glands
November 03, 2005 08:31AM
Hi, Alan E,

Probably - impacted anal glands ( better called 'anal sacs') are very common in dogs, especially those having little exercise out of doors.
In most cases emptying them is fairly straightforward, and your groomer could possibly do it for you.
If in any doubt, let a veterinary surgeon see your dog.

melanie h
Re: anul glands
January 09, 2006 05:56PM
My 3 year old male cat waits until he is on your lap and is then releasing this awful smell, does he need his anul glands emptied? He has been neutered.
Re: anul glands
January 10, 2006 03:50PM
Hi, Melanie,

Sounds like your cat may be 'marking' you as his 'territory'

Get him checked to make sure that he does not have an anal gland infection, and discuss with the vet the possibility of having them removed.

Re: anul glands
June 19, 2006 09:20AM

We have been unable to walk our dog as she has had a poorly poor & we were advised by the vet to rest her for 7-10 days. She now appears to have swollen anul glands. Is this the result of little outdoor excercise & will they go down once we start walking her again or will we have to take her to the vet to have them emptied ?

Re: anul glands
June 26, 2006 04:01PM
Hi, Anna,
Take her top the vet - if she develops an anal gland abscess, she will be in a lot of pain.
Re: anul glands
August 01, 2006 11:07AM
HI there, we have a choc. Lab. and its looks to us as if she may have a anul gland problem, don't know anything about this but she got a little bump the size of your thumb right clear on her anus, it just came there to see yesterday. She is showing no signs of pain and is acting no different than before.
What do you think it may be? Can you help me here. We live 3 hrs from the nearest Vet.
Re: anul glands
August 01, 2006 11:27AM
Hi, Darren,
This may be an anal gland abscess developing, or, if it does not appear to be inflamed and painful, may be a perianal gland adenoma - something entirely different, though this would not have appeared overnight. Come back to me in a couple of days with a progress report and more details - eg her age.
Re: anul glands
August 07, 2006 10:52PM
I have an 18 year old cat. Took her to the vet. today. Found out she had
anul glands that needed emptied? Never heard of this. Said she probably would need assistance monthly. Is there anything I can do at home to help her?
Re: anul glands
August 08, 2006 07:31AM
Hi, Debra,

Yes, cats do occasionally - though not so freguently as dogs - have impacted anal glands.

It may be that they will not require to be emptied manually as often as every month - wait and see how long it is until they bother her again.
You might also ask the vet if she will show you how to do it yourself. It is not difficult so long as you have someone who can hold her for you.

Re: anul glands
March 09, 2007 08:36PM
My little Havanese/maltese had previously had his left anal gland drained with a shunt (i think the string was called). This was about two years ago. A couple of days ago I noticed that his left gland was again inflamed. I soaked it but had no idea that it was supposed to be expressed. I took him to the Vet and they said that it had bursted and is now an abscess. They said they flushed it. He is on antibiotic pills. I did not want to leave him with them because I didn't believe in the integrity of the establishment.

Will his abscess heal on his own or does it have to be stitched? He has lots of hair around the abscess, and I'm wondering if that is going to be an issue.

Thank you,

Re: anul glands
March 10, 2007 08:18AM
Hi, Mela,

The very LAST thing to do with a burst anal-sac abscess is to stich it!. If left to drain itself, with antibiotic cover, it should heal OK.
I was disturbed to hear that you 'don't beleive in the integrity of the establishment'. You must have confidence in your vet.

Linda Grogan
Re: anul glands
April 26, 2007 07:20PM
I would just like a little information about our king charles spanial she has got a terrible smell from her back end it smell like poo. any ideas what it could be

Re: anul glands
April 28, 2007 02:00PM

Has she got poo stuck to her hair around her bottom? If so you should be able to was it off.
If not, she may have impacted anal sacs which need to be treated by your vet.

archie quin
Re: anul glands
June 23, 2007 04:25PM
Anna Wrote:my 6 year old boarder terrier has rubbed his tail raw with out my realising it . We went to the vet to have his anul glands emptyed and he is now on anti biotics and steroid cream. We are finding it hard to stop him rubbing his bottom, when we aply the cream 4 times a day, HELP!
> @#$%&,
> We have been unable to walk our dog as she has had
> a poorly poor & we were advised by the vet to rest
> her for 7-10 days. She now appears to have
> swollen anul glands. Is this the result of little
> outdoor excercise & will they go down once we
> start walking her again or will we have to take
> her to the vet to have them emptied ?
Re: anul glands
June 23, 2007 09:07PM
You would be better to get her anal glands checked by your vet and emptied if necessary. If left an abscess can develop which can be very painful and troublesome.
Re: anul glands
July 02, 2007 02:28AM
Walter Beswick Wrote:
> Hi, Alan E,
> Probably - impacted anal glands ( better called
> 'anal sacs') are very common in dogs, especially
> those having little exercise out of doors.
> In most cases emptying them is fairly
> straightforward, and your groomer could possibly
> do it for you.
> If in any doubt, let a veterinary surgeon see your
> dog.
Hi, I was just wondering if you could tell me how to clear the anal sacs of my chiwhawha? I can't afford to take her to the vet all the time for this problem.
Re: anul glands
July 02, 2007 07:52AM

Unless the anal sacs ( 'glands') are very much impacted and the secretion is solidified it is a fairly simple procedure to empty them.
With a little cotton wool or a tissue in the palm of your hand, and someone restraining her at the sharp end, GENTLY squeeze witha thumb and forefinger either side of her anus. You should see the secretion ( very smelly) coming out from a tiny hole either side.
Or take her to your vet, and watch very carefully what he/she does.
Re: anul glands
July 02, 2007 04:07PM
My two doggies (Coton's) have been monitored by my vet. Their anul sacs
fills up within an eight week period. My vet strongly suggests that they
have them removed. So they will have the surgery tomorrow. I trust my vet
as she comes highly recommended. She will not be performing the surgery but
has a highly recommended vet-surgeon to do it.
Should I worry? She says it is a some-what common surgery.


Anna Wrote:
> @#$%&,
> We have been unable to walk our dog as she has had
> a poorly poor & we were advised by the vet to rest
> her for 7-10 days. She now appears to have
> swollen anul glands. Is this the result of little
> outdoor excercise & will they go down once we
> start walking her again or will we have to take
> her to the vet to have them emptied ?
Re: anul glands
July 02, 2007 09:08PM
hi... do you know anyone who has a pet that had the anal sacs surgically removed?
if so, has the results been positive.. no more anal sac problem, etc..

my dogs have this problem and my vet strongly suggested they be removed.

Re: anul glands
July 03, 2007 07:28AM
Hi, dcvillanueva,

This is in reply to both your recent postings.
When a dog repeatedly suffers from impacted anal sacs surgical removal is a suitable treatment. In the 'pet' situaution, these glands serve no useful purpose and the dog will not miss them.
The actual surgery involved does require a degree of surgical skill, and it is right for your vet to have referred your dogs to a more experienced surgeon for the operation.
Re: anul glands
July 06, 2007 03:11PM
Hi, My cat is 3 yrs old and has always had a smell from her bum area. I took her to the vet, but they couldn't see a problem. Occasionally she has a clear like liquid weeping from her anal, and the smell is terrible. She has been wormed, flead and is in good health, sometimes it will clear up and go. I was just wondering if I need to take her for another check-up to the vets.
Re: anul glands
July 06, 2007 03:20PM
Hi, Audi,
Cats do occasionally have problems wkith their anal glands, buty much less frequently than do dogs.
Take he to your vet, and explain the problem again, and see what they suggest.

Re: anul glands
August 13, 2007 08:43AM
I've got a 2 year old chocolate Labrador, I've been taking her to the vet nearly every two months to have her annul glands empted, sometimes but not every time she has a poo she gets server pain, it looks like she is fitting, all of her body goes rigged, it happened again last night at 2am in the morning, she was kicking out in the kitchen which woke us up, when we went down to her she was lead flat out on the floor very rigged, after about 4-5 mins later she started to come round, she had poo'd on her bed (which she never does) and next to where she was having a fit.. Every time I go back to my vet he stays to keep monitoring her and keep empting her glands but could it be something else?????? should I take her to another vet????
Re: anul glands
August 13, 2007 02:27PM
Hi Phillippa,

I cannot see how an anal gland problem can cause the signs you describe as having found when you went down to her this morning at 2.00 am.
I think your dog is epileptic. Have you described to your vet the signs you have described to me?
In most cases epilepsy can be managed with proper medication. If your vet cannot help there is no reason at all why you should not change your vet.

Re: anul glands
August 16, 2007 04:23PM
I have told the vet everything that happened on the monday morning when she was having her seizure, he did say about epilepsy but said to keep an eye on her until it happens again...
She keeps shaking her ears as well, could she have somthing in them thats making her have the seizures..
She started having little fits back in march which is when the vet said it was her glands..
I really don't know what to do next???
Re: anul glands
August 17, 2007 04:22PM

I always considered how bad and how frequect epileptic fits were before I started any treatment - it sound like your vet is doing the same. If the fits are mild, and happening only rarely, say only every month or so, I do nt think it appropriate to medicat 2 or 3 times a day.
Keep a diary of when and how severe the fits are, and then go back to your vet with the information.

James Prior
Re: anul glands
August 28, 2007 12:00PM
how much would it cost at the vets to get the anal glands squeezed??

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