VetClick Discussion Forum


sick hamster

Posted by caroline 
Re: sick hamster
April 27, 2009 07:11PM

This could be a skin tumour, or it could be an abscess developing from an infected injury, or it could be a cyst in a skin gland.
It needs a proper examination to check it out.

Re: sick hamster
April 28, 2009 12:44AM
My hamster is 3 and a half months old he is sick with wet tail and I have giving him pedlyte every hour.This is his second day and I have given him Dri Tail and seems to stay the same.Is there anything I can do?
Re: sick hamster
April 28, 2009 05:27AM

Other than keeping him warm and clean, with clean fresh water always avaikable, no.

Re: sick hamster
May 01, 2009 02:13PM
That is a horrible thing to do!!! take it back cause is sick? the hamster is not a piece of furniture or a toy, take care of it, not return it. Bad people in this world.
Re: sick hamster
May 01, 2009 02:19PM

I give the advice - no one has to accept it.

Re: sick hamster
May 03, 2009 08:06PM
Thanks very much I will make him an appointment with the vet

Re: sick hamster
May 11, 2009 06:59PM
my hamster has got a wet tail and is wet all the time around the bottom of it,
he has a long little pink thing sticking out of his penis and i'm very worried,
i do not know what to do i'm worried.
Re: sick hamster
May 11, 2009 07:22PM
Hi, Mady,

I do not think that your hamster is likely to survive.
If you are able to, take him to a vet, but I do not think that a vet will be able to help very much.

Laura Winsor
Re: sick hamster
May 11, 2009 07:53PM

My hamster has been behaving very strangely. He is about 20 months old and has always been quite shy, never coming out of his house when he hears voices other than mine. Lately he has been coming out a lot, much to my pleasure, however he is almost acting as if he is drunk! He keeps falling over and going up on to his back legs. He climbs on top of his toy car and falls off it, causing him to bang his head etc. He still has a healthy appetit and is drinking lots. Is there a chance that he could be blind or have a tumour?


Re: sick hamster
May 12, 2009 07:55AM
Hi. Laura,

Your hamster is getting on towards 2 years old, which is ripe old age for a hamster!

The signs you describe are consisitent with getting older - circulatory problems in the brain or even a tuomour. neither ar treatable.

Laura Winsor
Re: sick hamster
May 12, 2009 04:54PM
Thanks for the reply. Can I ask if you think he is in pain? He never makes any noises when he falls, he just gets up and carries on. Should I take him to the vets?

Re: sick hamster
May 12, 2009 07:11PM

I doubt if your hamster is in pain, but if you want to take him to a vet, do so by all means, but be prepared to be told that nothing can be done, and remember that a vet charges the same fee for a consultation for a hamster as for a dog or cat!

Laura Winsor
Re: sick hamster
May 12, 2009 09:11PM
I know that he won't be cured and as you say, he is quite old now. I'm just wondering if it is fairer to leave him to live out the rest of his life or have him put to sleep. Really unsure of what is the fairest thing for him as I can't tell if he is suffering. sad smiley

Thanks again, it is so helpful having someone to talk to about this

Re: sick hamster
May 13, 2009 11:33AM
I would just let nature take its course.
Re: sick hamster
May 17, 2009 01:17AM
Today I noticed my hamster's privet area has this creamy yellow stuff on it, and her tail and back end stick up when she walks.
Re: sick hamster
May 17, 2009 07:57AM
This may be a bowel infection called 'wet tail'
A good pet shop or, better still, a vet, may be able to give you some medicine which may help.

Re: sick hamster
May 18, 2009 06:38PM
My son has a 1 yr old panda hamster. Today I noticed the bottom patch of his fur that used to be black now appears to be brown. The top patch is still black. Is this a cause for concern?
Re: sick hamster
May 18, 2009 09:03PM


Re: sick hamster
May 30, 2009 04:44AM
my baby sister gave my hamster a granola bar and it ate it before i could take it away i think its sick now because its just laying there staring at nothing her breathing looks kind of fast and she keeps making this kind of choking sound noise and it sounds like it but i dont know if shes just sneasing so im not sure what could be wrong with her and shes like 3 months old
Re: sick hamster
May 30, 2009 07:41AM

I am afraid that you will just have to keep your fingers crossed and hope that your hamster manages to digest the Granola. may take 2 or 3 days, but I cannot think of anything that may help it.
Re: sick hamster
May 30, 2009 08:57PM
Right now, my hamster is on her side, not moving, luckily she is breathing. I got her on Dec 7th 2007. She is normally a very friendly and active hamster, and eats a lot. but I really do not know what is wrong with her. please help me and Bamboo(my hamster)!
Re: sick hamster
May 31, 2009 08:02AM
I suspect that she is dying.

Re: sick hamster
June 28, 2009 03:39PM
Hello. My chinese dwarf hamster is 1 year and 1 month old, he keeps drinking a lot and urinating a lot and stays in his bed a lot more. As he is not approaching two years- is it still just age or not? Let me know what you think please, thanks.
Re: sick hamster
June 28, 2009 07:31PM

Difficult to say. These small animals are difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat.

Sory that i cannot be more helpful.

Re: sick hamster
July 16, 2009 02:04PM
My hamster was out in her run and then squeaked really loudly, when I picked her up, half of her face was swollen and her eye was very red and looked like it was bleeding. Then has it shut for about 3 days, I didn't take her to the vet as she was running around and eating normally. When I looked at her today, her eye seems to have sunk into the socket and it looks a yellowy/milky colour in her actual eye.

I don't know what's wrong with her and she squeaks very loudlyeveyr now and again for what seems like no reason as she is not touching or doing anything? Please help.
Re: sick hamster
July 16, 2009 02:29PM

She has probably injured hr eye in some way - are there stalks of hay in her bedding, for example. Clearly she is in pain, and hould be treated by a vet.

Re: sick hamster
July 27, 2009 01:04PM
caroline Wrote:
> my daughters hamster was in his exercise ball.we
> found him sitting still with a puddle of milky
> yellow liquid on the floor and spread around the
> inside of the ball. has he been sick or is this
> some sort of puss or something else?

hi i took my hamster to the pdsa on the friday i was 100% it was wet tails disease put i got sent away and told to go to a private vets to get treatment but i cant aford to go privent hents the reason i went to the pdsa first i told the vet if i cant the treatment will he suffer she said there was a slight chance he would get better but he has got worse he cant see dont drink eat or walk what should i do .
Re: sick hamster
July 27, 2009 03:49PM

There is no reliable treatment for wet-tail, but you should not have been turned away like that by the PDSA. Can you tell me where the PDSA clinic was which you attended?

Re: sick hamster
August 01, 2009 03:59AM
I'm really worried about my teddy bear hamster, she is around 1 year and seven months old, she is bleeding on her bottom, she is drinking normally, she is large though, I'm really scared, the vets can't take her in until Wednesday, and its been two days including today. She seems to be bleeding in below her bum I can't explain but I don't know what to do.
Re: sick hamster
August 01, 2009 07:34AM

19 months is quite old for a hamster - the usual life span is about 24 months, and it sounds like she may have a womb problem causing the bleeding. If so, it is unlikley that your vet will be able to do much about it even if you are willing to pay the $200 or more which I guess it would cost for an operation.


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