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sick hamster

Posted by caroline 
Re: sick hamster
August 29, 2009 07:18PM
My hamster was in its ball when i saw a whitey milky colur liquid in the ball,
my friend said it was wee but i wasnt sure do you not what it could posibbly be?
Re: sick hamster
August 29, 2009 07:27PM
Passing this white milky substance is quie common in hamsters and does not seem to be anything to worry about.
Re: sick hamster
August 30, 2009 12:31PM
My hamster became ill just over a week ago. Complete change in temperament, not eating, drinking, pooping or wanting to come out. Took him to the vet who could find nothing obvious wrong and he has been on antibiotics for 5 days now. He is very much improved, but still sleeps pretty much constantly and doesnt like coming out of his cage. He is now eating well and I presume drinking as he isnt dehydrated but he still isnt pooping, despite ample fruit and veg. Could this be the effect of the antibiotics?
Ophelia oatridge.
dieing dwarf.
August 30, 2009 02:52PM
I really need help.
about a month or 2 ago i bought 2 adorable chinese dwarf hamsters from a local pet shop. they seemed in perfect condition and very healthy.
a phew days ago my hamsters began to take on a kind of hunch, even when running on they're wheel. the only time i could stop this was when stroking them gently on the back. also one of them got a slightly pudgyer face and just today, i found that hamster dead.
the other one has now had the same 'fat face' effect and i don't know what to do.
I will just add that the now deceased waffles was bitten by a larger syrian hamster about a week and a half ago but it did not draw blood.

is there anything i can do to save my other hamster. from what i know he's still so young.
and what is he infected with?
Re: dieing dwarf.
August 30, 2009 03:38PM

I am sorry, but only a full post-mortem examination will tell you the cause of death of your hamster. It may well have been the result of an infection introduced by the bite he suffered and you second one has contracted it. I cannot offer any suggestions for treatment, but maybe if your local vet saw him he may be able to prescribe a suitable antibiotic.

Changed bowel habit
August 30, 2009 04:12PM
My hamster became ill just over a week ago. Complete change in temperament, not eating, drinking, pooping or wanting to come out. Took him to the vet who could find nothing obvious wrong and he has been on antibiotics Baytril) for 5 days now. He is very much improved, but still sleeps pretty much constantly and doesnt like coming out of his cage. He is now eating well and I presume drinking as he isnt dehydrated but he still isnt pooping, despite ample fruit and veg. Could this be the effect of the antibiotics?
Ophelia oatridge.
Re: dieing dwarf.
August 31, 2009 08:32PM
thank you for your advice.
are hamsters hunch has lessened considerably and his face is no longer pudgy.
he is doing well but i am worried still worried. he now lives alone and i have heard that hamsters can get depressed if they are not with another hamster.
should i consider buying him a friend or would they just fight? and if not, how can i make the rest of his short life happy?

thanks again.
Re: dieing dwarf.
September 01, 2009 07:31AM
Hi, Opheli,

I am pleased to hear that your pet is getting better.
I think that the general opinion is that hamsters are solitary animals and should be kept apart to prevent fighting.

Re: sick hamster
September 01, 2009 07:57AM
over a week ago. Complete change in temperament, not eating, drinking, pooping or wanting to come out. Took him to the vet who could find nothing obvious wrong and he has been on antibiotics Baytril) for 5 days now. He is very much improved, but still sleeps pretty much constantly and doesnt like coming out of his cage. He is now eating well and I presume drinking as he isnt dehydrated but he still isnt pooping, despite ample fruit and veg. Could this be the effect of the antibiotics?
Re: sick hamster
September 01, 2009 08:13AM

It could well be. Until he starts 'working' again, try gently massaging his tummy.

Ophelia oatridge.
Re: dieing dwarf.
September 01, 2009 08:05PM
because of all your help i hate to contradict you but every single website or magazine or anything that i have seen gives the opinion that chinese, and infact most dwarf hamsters preferably like to live in small groups or pairs.

thank you for everything.
Re: sick hamster
September 27, 2009 03:12PM

My hamster has a yellow bum and his poop sticks to him.He also has light brown crust around his eyes and he has some kind of eye poop in his eyes which i think causes his eyes to be stuck together.
should I be worried?
Re: sick hamster
September 27, 2009 03:34PM
Hi, Lila,

How old is he?

David McMaster
Re: sick hamster
October 04, 2009 08:16PM
my hamster is the same as youres cause when the last time i changed it she was in her ball and when i finished with her cage i took her out of her ball and she had peed and it was the milky yellow colour and tonight i noticed thatthe two of her eyes were smaller and she couldnt see straight and her tail has gone black and is now huge and pointing down and she cant walk plz reply i want to help my hamster and find out whats wrong shes 2 years old plz reply
Re: sick hamster
October 04, 2009 08:34PM

2 years is old for a hamster. There is little you can do apart from keeping it warm and dry.

Re: sick hamster
October 13, 2009 11:18AM
Emma Wrote:
> Hi My daughters female hamster recently had a uterus infection which we treated with antibiotics from the vet, she said that any other treatment would not be a good idea as the hamster is just over 2, she seemed to perk up but is drinking quite a bit more which I'm guessing is a sign her kidneys are packing up but when she is awake she is alert and eating alot as if shes planning to hibernate, she is in the conservatory where temp drops alot at night (she has to stay in there as we adopted when daughter finished uni and we have a cat who has free rein apart from conservatory)
She doesn't appear to be suffering but is wobbly at times and when she falls over she struggles to get up, she has always bee allowed to wander around when we are with her but doesn't seem that interested now, should i take her to the vet as I don't want her to suffer or as long as shes eating etc and not in pain let nature take its course, I dread having her put to sleep as we had our beloved cat put to sleep and I still can't think about it and I know shes just a hamster but I've become very fond of her,Thanks
Re: sick hamster
October 13, 2009 03:51PM
Hi, Emma,

2 years is a ripe old age for a hamster!
Uterine infections frequently do lead to kidney failure, and I think you should prepare yourselves for losing her, but I do think that you could safely leave nature to take its course without her suffering.

Re: sick hamster
October 14, 2009 03:53PM
Hi i've just had my dwarf hamster out of cage, she is only 7 months old, and ive noticed her front leg has no fur on and is scabby and yellow colour. Then i looked at her back and noticed what looks like a hole in her back. We only had her out on Mon and didn't see any of these things. I'm really worried now and don't know what to do. Any advice or help would be much appreciated
Re: sick hamster
October 14, 2009 04:03PM

It is difficult to say what has caused these lesions. How long have you had her? What bedding do you use? have you changed it recently? Are there two hamsters in the cage or is she alone?

Re: sick hamster
November 02, 2009 09:07PM
Hello, I have a hamster (just under 2 years old) and 2 weeks I took her to a vet, and he diagnozed her with uterus infection. She got prescribed antibiotics which I gave her for a week. She has been off the antibiotics for a week now and yesetrday she started bleeding again excessively and barely able to walk. She looks skinnier and doesnt like when tis bright-her eeyes are closed most of the time. I was wondering if I shoudl give her more antibiotics (another week?) Or anything else I can do? She seems in big pain. Should I let nature take its course in this way? should I take her back to the vet? should i give her more antibiotics? It makes my heard bleed to see her suffer.
Re: sick hamster
November 03, 2009 08:51AM

She is not going to recover. If it is distressing you to see her failing, have your vet put he to sleep.

Re: sick hamster
April 28, 2010 08:34PM
My 3 year old hamster has developed a bony/bumpy back over the last few months.

Last weekend she started panting/breathing fast and today she is not opening her eyes properly. She is still walking around ok

Is there anything we can do other than leave her peacefully in the cage? Is it just old age?

How will her sister cope?

Re: sick hamster
April 29, 2010 01:05PM
3 is a good age for a hamster. Just let nature take its course.
If the sister is the same age, you cannot expect to have her much longer.
jessica nelson
Re: sick hamster
May 06, 2010 11:25PM
My dwarf hamster, Boodah, is just under 3 years old, which i know is extremely old for a hamster... I was just wondering, because he was perfectly healthy until a few days ago, is it normal to all of a sudden become lethargic and stumbly as a sign of imminent death? Right now he limps on his back left leg, which he randomly flails and uses it to scratch his left ear, but it is making it hard for him to walk correctly, and he bites on it every so often. He still runs around on it, eats and drinks almost as much as always, and he scritches the side of his tank when he wants to come out, like always. He IS sleeping more than usual and falling on his right side a lot. He also seems to fall asleep while eating, which worries me that he might choke. Another question i have is: is he likely to die out in the open or will I need to keep searching his large tank for him? I have thought about taking him to a vet but he doesnt seem to be in any pain that i can tell, and there may be nothing they can do and it seems like an unnecessary strain on him. Do you think it is ok to keep him home if he is going to die? I love Boodah very much and cant seem to prepare myself for this eventuallity so any answers you have will be of much help to me.

Thank you so very much.
Re: sick hamster
May 07, 2010 09:06AM
I do not think that there is any point in subjecting your pet to the stress of taking him to the vet.
You have been privileged to have had him far longer than do most hamster owners.and you must be grateful for that. One of the 'costs' of having a pet is llosing them because of their relatively short life span.
Re: sick hamster
May 13, 2010 04:28PM
My 3-month old hamster's testicles turned to a bluish-purplish color which was normally pinkish, it eats and drinks but not as much as before. I used to place both my male hamster in one cage, because they didn't show any aggression towards each other, but now I separated them to avoid infecting the other. Day-2 now and the bluish color has spread to its abdomen area...Please help, how can I help my hammy get well? =(
Re: sick hamster
May 14, 2010 08:15AM
If your hamster does have an nfection which is causing the signs you describe, he may need an injection of antibiotics ASAP - see your vet with him.
Gizmo's mommy
Re: sick hamster
May 16, 2010 07:49PM
I'm really worried about my hampster gizmo,
she was perfect just a few days ago and now she's all hunched over and has her eyes closed and is having a hard time walking, she's not cleaning herself & it seems that she is very sick, please help me figure out whats wrong with her sad smiley
Re: sick hamster
May 16, 2010 08:05PM
How old is she?
Hammy Mummy
sick hamster with pus coming from vulva
June 04, 2010 06:13PM
Hi guys my female hamster Leona is about 18mths and i took her to the vet thinking she had wet tail, only to find out it was a uterus infection - the vet squeezed some pus from her vulva, poor little girl sad smiley she has no temperature is eating well and drinking, i have disinfected her cage and put her in another cage for now, so i can keep a closer eye on her.

She has been prescribed Baytil antibiotics for a week, do hamsters get over this kind of thing or is it something that re-occurs ???

Im concerned because she seems wobbly on her feet ????

Concerned Hammy Mummy sad smiley

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