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sick hamster

Posted by caroline 
Re: sick hamster
October 04, 2011 03:27PM
Hi my hamster is eating but here is no signs of lumping on him and he looks quite thin today I cleaned his cage out and is it a problem that my cat and dog watch him? please help me I want him to live but if there is a problem I would like a home remidee.sad smiley
Abbie B
Re: sick hamster
October 07, 2011 06:01PM
Hi my Hamster who around 18month old in the last week has started to sleep alot, She eating ok but wont drink and now she walking funny. I looked at her back end because i thought she might of had wettail. She had what looked like a bit of discharge but it was dry ive been keeping an eye on her but she had no more discharge. She also loss a bit of weight i was wondering if she was just getting old or weather she was ill.

Ive had a Hamsters with wet tail before and her back end was really bad but i dont think that what this Hamster has got.
Samantha Knight
Re: sick hamster
October 09, 2011 06:13PM
Hi, my hamster is making this really weird noise and keeps sneezing? im not quite sure what it is, please could you help?
Re: sick hamster
October 10, 2011 05:30AM

You do not say much about your hamster except that it is a bit thin so it is not really possible to give you much advice. If the hamster is ill you should see a vet.


If the hamster is not walking properly then it may have damaged a leg or its back. You probably need to see a vet to see which it is, although there is no specific treatment except removing all the wheels etc so the hamster is confined and cannot play injuring itself further while they heal. If the hamster is not drinking then the vet may be able to give you painkillers or antibiotics which may remedy the situation depending on the cause.


This sounds like a respiratory infection (antibiotics from the vet if the hamster is unwell) or may be due to dusty bedding.
Re: sick hamster
October 12, 2011 02:43PM
My dwarf hamster has a red swollen eye, it has been like this on and off for some time at least 6 weeks. I've washed the eye with saline previously and the redness has cleared up. For the past 2 weeks, unfortunately, the saline has had no effect and the eye is getting worst. I don't know the actual age but i know that he went through puberty around march/april time. Excuse my the vagueness.
Re: sick hamster
October 16, 2011 09:37AM
An eye infection may have taken hold so you need to see your vet for eye drops.
Re: sick hamster
November 26, 2011 02:24PM
My hanster is 4 months old and its back end seems enlarged and over the last wk or so i have noticed a small pink lump protruding out its anal area. It looks like a bit of its inside although its not there all the time. He is still playfull and seems to be eating and drinking normally. This is our first hamster and We are very worried. Do you think he needs to see a vet? Thank you
Re: sick hamster
November 30, 2011 10:54PM
hiya my brothers hamster has white stuff coming out of its eyes and now he worried that he is gunna get the infection could you help me please x
Re: sick hamster
December 01, 2011 07:26AM
The protrusion from the anal area could be a prolapse of the rectum from straining to pass a stool and could be due to a hernia which might explain the swelling at the rear end (assuming it is not his scrotum). It would be worth seeing the vet to confirm this is what is going on as dietary manipulation may help the problem.

If your brother is worried about the infection being catching then first you need to clear it up in the hamster (see your vet) and always make sure you wash your hands after handling the hamster to reduce the chance of catching anything.
Re: sick hamster
December 16, 2011 05:03AM
I have black And white panda hampster. She about 28 months, she eating littler than usual, drinking is fine. But everytime she. Gets up she falls also she us shaking all the time. She has gotten very weak. What should i do,how do i know if she is hurting.S
Re: sick hamster
December 18, 2011 01:34PM
This could be an ear infection or a problem with the brain. A trial on antibiotics may resolve the problem if it is an ear infection but considering the age of the hamster this may be something that cannot be sorted out.
Re: sick hamster
July 27, 2012 05:52AM
Hi, i just got a fancy hamster like a week ago. He used to run on his wheel alot, but for some reason, he barely ran on his wheel last night. He only ran on it for about two minutes and got off. He been making a weird noise like if he sneezing and its usually like when he is awake and he was trembling when i saw him up a couple of minutes ago. He eats like everytime he is up, but i haven't seen him drink any water since yesterday. I would take him to the vet but im short on money right now. i want to make sure he okay or if there is any way to help him though. please help with any informationsad smiley
Re: sick hamster
August 05, 2012 06:34AM
My hamster is lying motionless since yesterday afternoon and her legs are shaking every once in awhile. This morning half of her body is bald! Yesterday it was still fine. She's not drinking or eating..she tried to move around and response to my voice by lifting her head up... her eyes are open but not blinking (i dont notice if they do blink)...i changed her bedding and tried to feed her water.. she gulped it down at first few drops but eventually she refused to drink anymore... i just dont wanna force her... she is breathing slowly... i've had more than 20 hamsters before, but i never see them dying like this.. usually i just saw them dead and just bury them.. i dont have the guts to bring her to be put to sleep. Am i doing the right thing by just letting her die naturally? By the way she is approximately 2 years and 3 months old..
Re: sick hamster
August 05, 2012 07:20PM
I've just seen your message now & wish I'd seen it sooner, but you can't hesitate any longer. You must take her straight to your vet! She sounds severely ill and in distress. Only your vet will be able to appropriately assess her and determine if there's any treatment options available, but from what you've described it sounds like she is suffering and needs to be humanely put straight to sleep. It's cruel to let her continue as she is and it doesn't take courage to bring her to the vet, it's actually the kindest thing you can do. Please take her straight away.
Sick dwarf hamster
August 21, 2012 11:39PM

I have a dwarf hamster that is about 8 months old, I get him out every day but today I have noticed that his fur on his bum is yellow (he is snowy white with grey markings) he suddenly looks extremely old and can't open his eye properly (his left is worse than his right) after cleaning him with damp cotton pads he seems to have perked up, I also completely disinfected his cage thinking he was dirty but I did only do this less than a week ago. My old hamster, coconut only died 9 months ago and it was very sad to see I really don't want this to happen to Hedwig sad smiley is there anything I can do or should I just take him to the vets tomorrow when I take my puppy in for her vaccinations?

Sorry it's a long message I just really don't know what to do

Re: sick hamster
August 25, 2012 03:36PM

my hamster his one eye is shut and the other is open he sleeps a lot and never goes on his wheel anymore and sleeps beside his wheel all the time
what should i do please help
Re: sick hamster
August 29, 2012 12:57PM
Hi Ivory, your hamster needs to be seen by a vet who can perform a clinical exam and determine what may be causing the problem. it's not normal that he has one eye shut and sleeps so much. Good luck & keep me posted.

Re: sick hamster
September 02, 2012 09:12PM
My hamster is 1.5 years old and in the past two weeks has shown signs of illness. At first she became a bit dopey- she stopped landing on her feet when she jumped off something (fell on her side) and has not been eating as much. She has been 'pulsing', I'm not sure whether it is her breathing heavily or what but she has done it since she fell ill. She has become weak and lethargic, she is finding it hard work to get through tunnels. Today she was particularly ill and I checked her over and she had white goo coming out of her bottom area. I think she has been trying to get rid of it because she was curled up in a ball for ages. I am really worried about her, I was hoping it was something minor she would get over but it has got worse. I have noticed most of the changes since I ran out of sawdust, I have been using tissue paper instead, could this be related? She has been drinking but seems weak when she does, I can't really tell if she is always drinking when she tries to. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Re: sick hamster
February 22, 2013 03:36AM
Hi my hamster has been doing alot less activity than he usually does and I am worried what should I do?
Re: sick hamster
February 26, 2013 10:31PM
Hello! My hamster is only a few months old. She has had red watery eyes which I have been cleaning with water and cotton wool. This clears it up for a couple of days but it has come back now about 3 times. She does not seem in pain or anything at all.
Re: sick hamster
March 02, 2013 03:49PM
Hi Tessa

If this has continued since your post you probably know already if there were worse symptoms coming. Hamsters can become ill very quickly as their bodies require a constant source of energy from their food. If they slow or stop eating, it alone can lead to serious consequences. Hope you have taken him to a vet if any worse symptoms have developed.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: sick hamster
June 04, 2013 12:21AM
Hello. My hampster has a sore bum it looks red and a little crusty her tails poking at a funny angle and shes not eating much at all. And shes walking abit funny on her back legs. She doesn't appear to be swollen anywhere shes looking thin. Please help!
Re: sick hamster
June 18, 2013 04:59PM
Hi Becki

Your hamster sounds very poorly. Signs you describe are probably enteritis which is serious. I hope you took her to a vet.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
my hamster is bleeding from the eye!
June 08, 2013 01:18PM
my hamster is approx. 1 and a half year, and it started bleeding from it's eye. there's also a membrane like thing covering the side of it's eye and she cant close her eye. what can i do?
Re: my hamster is bleeding from the eye!
June 18, 2013 05:40PM

This needs treatment from a vet to help her or she might lose the eye.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: sick hamster
July 29, 2013 11:38PM
Hello, my hamster is male around 7 months old and since we have been experiencing the hot weather here in the uk his testicles have swollen to a very large size, he has lost a patch of hair on the one side the testical on the same side as the hairloss is the bigger out of the two and looks very purple however the hamster looks in no pain, is still running around the cage and is still eating and drinking, hasn't changed in temperament at all and is actually still extremely placid. Just looks really suspicious & I don't know what to do, I have consulted my local out specialists and t hey said that there could be a possibility that he has knocked it but im concerned about the hair loss and the amount of swelling, no puss at all and still able to go to the toilet, any ideas??
Jordyns Mommy
Re: sick hamster
August 05, 2013 04:02AM
My daughter's dwarf hamster is a year old...His scent gland seems to be swollen, it's just swollen and red. I haven't noticed any pus inside or coming out of it. I have been cleaning it for 3 days with thyme tea but have noticed any change. The vets around here don't know much about hammies. Is there anything else I can do? Should I try to squeeze it? Please Help
Re: sick hamster
August 07, 2013 06:59PM
Hi Louise

Male hamsters do have large testicles but they should be equal sized, and purple is not a healthy colour for one of them to be. I can only usefully advise a check up for him with a vet.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: sick hamster
August 08, 2013 06:49AM

I don't think you should squeeze anything on a hamster especially when you aren't sure what it is. Sorry but you need to try to find a vet who is prepared to have a look check this.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: sick hamster
July 24, 2015 06:06AM
Hello I have a hamster (female) named penny, she's my little brothers. Today we noticed she's hardly moving and breathing rapidly. Her eyes are closed she cant open them, she's drinking and eating but there's something coming coming out her rectum it appears wet a lightly green. What can I do? sad smiley we love her and dont want her to die. Please tell me there's a cure sad smiley

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