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Re: sick hamster with pus coming from vulva
June 05, 2010 09:10AM
If this is just a womb infection and it responds to the Baytrill she should make a full recovery,
Miss Samantha Daly
Re: hamster with a slight swelling to his rear end
June 05, 2010 02:38PM
I have a hamster who is 1 year of age. He appears to have a slight swelling come up to his rear, overnight.
we have bathed it with a very weak solution of t tree oil and applied anti-bacterial animal powder. would you recommend taking him to the vets, we have researched this on the internet. Findings are suggesting wet tail, although he does not appear to have diarrhoea.
By the way he is male, could this just be his teste's

Hope you can help, very worried about my baby

Re: hamster with a slight swelling to his rear end
June 06, 2010 08:56AM
If the swelling is on his tummy between his legs, it probably is his testicles and nothing to worry about
Re: sick hamster
June 07, 2010 06:28PM
my hamsters ears are ALWAYS pinned back even when shes been awake for hours
Re: sick hamster with pus coming from vulva
June 09, 2010 06:08PM
Hi i have the same problem has she gotten better has the pus returned because mine had it as well then they gave her bactrium and it has gotten worse then was put on baytril and it got more worse then they squeezed it out of her again and begin to bother it but the puss has not returned yet but now she is bleeding because she begin tugging it. she lost her apettite and i begin her on electrolyte water and begin feeding her and she gain her weight back so has your hamster similar problems like this.
Re: sick hamster
June 20, 2010 11:34PM
Please can you help.
This morning I found my hamster
lying stretched flat out with his eyes closed, panting in the middle of the cage. I covered him over but after 10 mins he had crawled on top of the bedding .He managed to crawl across the cage , but he is very feeble. I gave him some water but he is not eating. I covered him to keep him warm again but when I came back 20 mins later he had crawled into his bed which is hidden and cosy. His eyes are shut and he's just panting. He's about 3 years old. What can I do?
Re: sick hamster
June 21, 2010 11:54AM
I am sorry, but a three-year-old hamster showing the signs which you describe is not going to survive, whatever you do.
Keep him warm and comfortable, and just let nature take its course.
Emma S
Re: sick hamster
March 25, 2011 11:54PM
Hi i have a sister that is 9 she has a hamster and i picked him up and saw that his right eye was bulging out and was crusted with a brownish, caramel color. Im scared, is his eye infected or will he be blind in that eye and what can i do to help him.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smiling smiley
Re: sick hamster
March 28, 2011 06:01PM
This sounds very nasty; it certainly sounds like is infected. You must take your hamster to the vet or the eye may be too badly damaged. There is nothing you can do yourself until a vet has checked to see what needs doing.
Re: sick hamster
April 06, 2011 06:42PM
my hamster isn't pooping and i'm really worried about him what shall i do please help me i dont want my hamster to die i love him very much
Re: sick hamster
April 24, 2011 10:04PM
Our hamster is almost one year old, she has what looks like some swelling to her bottom area but it is not always there, it seems to come and go. I think she may have suffered from wet tail previously but seemed to recover with a bit of tlc and extra warmth but we went on holiday and when we collected our hamster from friends this lump seemed to protrude (it almost looks like a prolapsed bowel but seems to sort itself out occasionally) and a bit of swelling in what I think could be a gland area in the tail area. She seems to be drinking and eating OK, could it be allergy based as we have just changed her bedding type as we went away due to our normal stuff being unavailable. Please help.
Re: sick hamster
April 26, 2011 04:55PM
I doubt this is an allergy. It sounds like one of those things that really needs to be visualised to say what it is. A prolapsing piece of rectum, hernia or recurrent abscess are possibilities but unless a vet looks at it I expect no one will be able to tell you.
Re: sick hamster
April 27, 2011 08:04PM
Hi there,my dwarf hamster is about now 2years old, always very lively and adorable. Her one eye started closing yesterday, and today 27 April, her same eye had like a milky discharged over it, I took a warm wet sterlized cloth and wiped it, but also seemed that the other eye also started to close-up. She isn't eating and drinking and are very slow, and just lies in one corner of her cage. Is she perhaps sick and dying because its her time? I made her comfortable and made her also warmer. What do you think is wrong? Only age?

motherof 5
Re: sick hamster
May 08, 2011 01:00AM
our hamster has a huge bump prtruding on his side...and now I have noticed a raised "pimple" on his skin as well..I took him to the vet and he gave him antibiotics just in case it is an infection...but I am sure it is a has been 4 days since we have cleaned the cage and I have noticed no additional poop...none at all. He is sleeping most of the time and does seem to be eating...but has lost wieght and is not able to move around normally.

If he is not pooping is there anything I should he in pain? My daughter is having a hard time watching him decline...

Re: sick hamster
May 08, 2011 12:44PM
my hamster is 4 months old when i go to pick her up she gets aggressive and wont let me, 3 seconds later she will let me and when i do she goes aggressive for the socond time as if shes trying to say why did you pick me up

Re: sick hamster
May 09, 2011 07:45PM
If your hamster is not going to the toilet then he may not be eating either and if he is losing weight then this is not very good. The lump could be a tumour or an abscess - your vet really needs to have another look and consider surgery but the outlook may unfortunately not be that good, as hamsters are not good under anaesthetic. The most important thing is not to let the little one suffer, so see your vet and discuss what you want to do, but doing nothing is probably not really fair on the hamster.
Re: sick hamster
May 09, 2011 07:48PM
Re your aggressive hamster: unfortunately this type of behaviour is common in hamsters and they are not good pets for that very reason - it is common for them to be unfriendly and aggressive. It may be worth getting your vet to check her to make sure she is not ill and that may make her aggressive, but I suspect this is just her nature - try handling her more but she may not change.
Re: sick hamster
May 09, 2011 08:18PM
Our hamster has what looks like 'wet tail' for about a week and sleeps a lot. We clean the cage and put fresh food and water in everyday. Today she was awake but couldn't open her right eye. We have opened it for her but a white puss came out. Could you please tell me what is needed to treat her. Thanks
Re: sick hamster
May 09, 2011 08:21PM
If your hamster has wet tail and an eye infection you need to see a vet for medication. You will not be able to get a suitable treatment for either from the chemist without a prescription.
wakey cakey
Re: sick hamster
May 09, 2011 09:17PM
hello, i have had my hamster for a couple of years so i am aware he is very old and is possibly near to dying sad smiley
he starting losing hair on his throat area and it has expanded progressively. The area of skin is wrinkly and slightly swollen, it even seems to have a couple of sores where some skin has rubbed off. finally his eyes are swolen. I imagine there isnt anything i can do to prevent this but is there anything i can do reduce his discomfort? thanks for your time
Re: sick hamster
May 11, 2011 08:12AM
Bathing the eyes with cold tea may help soothe them and bathing the skin with salt water may help clean the area but this won't really help alleviate the discomfort so I would advise you take him to a vet as these may well be problems that can be dealt with easily - mites in the skin are not uncommon in hamsters and these can cause the skin lesions you describe but the only safe product needs to be obtained from a vet - usually we give them an injection and repeat it after a few weeks and the mites will be killed.
black spot spreading on hamsters scrotum
May 26, 2011 05:49AM
hi my hamster has some black spots spreading on his scrotum...i've noticed it 2 weeks ago n its getting worse....he seems ok he can eat and play but am worried....its definitely not his scent glend....
Re: sick hamster
July 13, 2011 06:39PM
Hello, I'm seeking some kind of help. My 2 year old dwarf hamster has something sticking out of her.... shes not pregnant because shes never mated. Do you think i should take her to the vet? would you happen to know whats sticking out of her. Its pink and could resemble her having a baby but since its not possible i have no clue what it is. its coming out of her anal region and im worried for her. Please any advice i would greatly appreciate. Thank You
Re: sick hamster
July 14, 2011 07:56PM
This sounds like a prolapsed rectum - you definitely need to take her to the vet.
Re: sick hamster
September 13, 2011 05:48PM

I have a Russian drawf hamster, she is roughly 6 months old. I have checked on her today and there is a small red lump coming out of her back end, in front of her bottom. It appears to have bled a little and I have seen her cleaning herself. Also, she looks a little bloated around her belly and shoulders, but when had a look the swelling seems to be fluid or loose skin. I am wondering whether she has a womb infection?

She doesn't appear to be in any pain, is going to the toilet as normal; plus she moving and eating as usual. Just for some background information, Daisy lives with another female hamster of the same breed.

Hoping you can provide me with some advice.

Thank you.
Re: sick hamster
September 15, 2011 07:02AM
It is possible that this could be a prolapse of the rectum or vagina so it would be worth getting her looked at by a vet.

Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been on holiday.
Re: sick hamster
September 30, 2011 12:44AM
Help. My hamster Ginger had bloated bilaterally in her hind portion (the front part of her body still looks normal). It happened over about a week's time (?), and was initially hard to the touch. I looked it up and constipation seemed to be a possible cause. I have been giving her lettuce and apples since then to see if that would help loosen things up. The protrusions/bloating are now softer but still there. She is lethargic, not using her wheel, not acting her usual self. I cleaned her cage poop. yawning smiley( I have a vet appointment set up for Monday morning (it is the earliest I could get) but it is Thursday night. Is there anything I can do for her until the appointment that might help?
David Sim
Re: sick hamster
October 01, 2011 08:53PM
I have a 8 weeks old robo. She's kinda the lazy type of hamsters that sleeps alot. But today I is abit different... She's laying down flat sleeping the whole day and doesn't eat nor drink and is breathing very heavily. Whats going on?
Natalie McMillan
Re: sick hamster
October 02, 2011 04:36AM
My hamster is male and his name is Whiskers.
I have had him for about 2 years and his back end has become inflated or enlarged and when I came in he was sitting on his back end. Is he ok and what should I do to help him?
Re: sick hamster
October 03, 2011 06:57AM

This sounds like a respiratory infection which are common in hamsters so best to see the vet.

Natalie & Meg

Bloating could be due to obstruction of the gut with accumulation of gas or the abdominal enlargement could be due to a growth so best to check the hamsters checked by a vet, especially if there are not lively

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