VetClick Discussion Forum


Cost of Vetoryl

Posted by Chriise Novelle 
Chriise Novelle
Cost of Vetoryl
December 03, 2004 08:59PM
My 12 yr old Weimeraner has just been diagnosed with Cushings and the Vet has advised Vetoryl- at £94.00 per month which I cannot afford ( add to that the cost of all the testing ! ) I have checked the websites and this drug can be obtained by vets at £98.00 for a 3 month supply - is this ethical to charge nearly 3 times as much for a drug that I really cannot afford - my only other option is to watch her deteriorate ........ how much have other people been charged for this drug please ??
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
December 18, 2004 09:53AM
Hi, Chriise,
Vetoryl / Modrenal is quite expensive.
You can ask your vet for a prescription and shop around chemists and other vets for the best price. He cannot refuse to give you a prescription, according to rules laid down in the most recent medicines legislation, and enforced by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. (See the RCVS Web Site :
Deborah Siddall
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 01, 2005 09:42AM
I have the same dog and the same problem. In four months I have paid out over 5,000.00 pounds in tests to diagnose Cushings. The Liverpool University Hospital is charging me 129.00 for one months supply, my local vet is charging me 98.00. I too cannot undserstand the rational for charging different prices for the same medication. None of the practices will give me a reason for why they charge not only high prices but also different ones at that.

Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 02, 2005 08:52AM
contact the competition commission, they have done a survey of vet medicines pricing. each vet runs a business, drugs being arevenue raising area of that business
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 02, 2005 09:00AM
You can demand a prescription for Vetoryl, from the University Veterinary School and from your practice, which you can take to any pharmacy or any other veterinary practice, asking for the best price.
If either refuse to provide a prescription - at no extra charge to you - complain to the Professional Conduct Department, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 64 Horseferry Road, London,SW1P 2AF, tel 020 7222
2001, FAX 020 7222 2004, for the attention of Mr G Hockey.
Ann Pugh
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 06, 2005 08:43AM
Walter Beswick wrote:

> Hi, Chriise,
> Vetoryl / Modrenal is quite expensive.
> You can ask your vet for a prescription and shop around
> chemists and other vets for the best price. He cannot refuse
> to give you a prescription, according to rules laid down in the
> most recent medicines legislation, and enforced by the Royal
> College of Veterinary Surgeons. (See the RCVS Web Site :
> Walter
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 08, 2005 12:13PM


my dog has got the same illness and I found Vetoryl 60 mg in a
chemistry in Chiasso (Switzerland) at Euro 190+Euro 24 for shipping
charges (1 bottle is for 3 months).

Please let me know if you want the name and address of the

regards and best wishes for your dog!

Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 22, 2007 06:16PM
can anyone tell me how much the test for cushings is the a stimulation test acth as my dog needs this and i want to know how much it will set me back
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 22, 2007 06:40PM
There are no scales of charges for veterinary work. Each individual practice sets its own fees. It is a good idea to have insurance for your pet so that this is not something you have to worry about.

mary flude
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
July 05, 2007 03:22PM
Hi I have a terrior cross dog that started showing signs of cushings over 12 months ago. I had 4 blood tests done each came back as inconclusive. Last week I had another test done that cost me £75.00 but did show that it was cushings. Benny has started on Vetory one a day 60mg and this is costing me £48 a month. I will have to add to this the costs of the regular tests that have to be done, but what can you do? you cant just sit back and do nothing.

Re: Cost of Vetoryl
July 05, 2007 05:30PM
Hi, Mary,
I cannot add to the correspondence above. If you read it you will see that you can ask for a prescription from your vet and shop around.
Modern medicines ARE expensive because of the testing that has to be carried out on them, and also the actual cost of licensing, which is consderable. The manufacturers have to recoup these costs - it is not all profit for the vet!
All pet owners are well advised to take out insurance for their pet to cover veterinary fees and other possible outlays.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2007 05:31PM by Walter Beswick.
Sarah Carr
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
November 22, 2007 11:24PM
My dog had her blood test results today and she too has cuchings disease. I have paid £58 to my vet for 30 days supply of Vetoryl. I am hoping her insurance will fund this as she needs it now for the rest of her life. But if the insurance wont pay, at approximately £2 per day, at what price is my dogs health and comfort in her old age, as she is now 13. I cant begrudge her this, i am just happy that it is treatable and that we dont have to go through anymore tests. My vet diagnosed this and one blood test at £110 confirmed it, so i havent had the same amount of vet bills as other people sound like they have had on here. I have looked on websites and yes you can buy it cheaper, but it needs a prescription. Is a vet really going to write a prescription for free when he can sell the pills at a profit? Seems my vet was a bit less expensive than everyone else seems to have paid.
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
November 23, 2007 08:40AM
Hi, Sarah,

Vets in the UK should be prepared to write a prescription when asked, and not to charge for doing so. That is now a legal requirement which is enforced by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Re: Cost of Vetoryl
January 27, 2008 11:40PM

I would recommend this website called for getting your Vetoryl. I get my Rimadyl (for arthritis) from them and you just send them the prescription and then send out the medication the same/next day. Their Vetoryl page: [] They seem to be massively cheaper than your vet is charging. I hope your dog is still ok.

Kind Regards, Luke

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2008 12:30PM by Walter Beswick.
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
January 31, 2008 12:33PM

I have deleted the name of the on-line pharmacy ( Vetclick does not offer free advertising!) but my comment is that this is OK as long as the on-line pharmacy employs a qualified pharmacist and dispenses these medicines ONLY against a prescription issued and signed by a veterinary surgeon in the UK.

Re: Cost of Vetoryl
March 28, 2008 01:37PM
if you would like a supplier for Vetoryl at £32.99/Box 30 I can advise you.

It is easy to buy and your Vet MUST sign the prescription when you ask them without any charge to yourself.
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 02, 2008 07:10PM
hi simon,
if you can please avdise me of the supplier for the vetoryl i would be very apreciative.thanks richie
irene spence
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 17, 2008 04:21PM
hi simon. could you please let me know the website were i can obtain vetoryl from. vet prices are just out of order. thanks. irene
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
April 19, 2008 04:15PM
Hi, Irene,

I regret that I cannot pass on direct contacts for suppliers - any form of advertsing, even by third parties, is not allowed. You can ask your vet for a prescription and see if your local pharmacist can supply you at a lower price.

emma s
May 01, 2008 08:17PM
Hello all,

I have a 7 year old staffie that has been diagnosed with cushings. So far it has cost £120 for 1st set of blood tests, then £98 for her to be admitted for the day for the stimulation test which was conclusive with the diagnosis resulting in an additional bill for £23 for 10 days supply of the 60mg tab. Today the vet has said that the dose has to increase, and on goig to pick up the new prescription it cost £48!!!! for 20 tabs. We do have insurance, but as far as i am aware this covers consultation and treatment but not medication. Or does treatment mean that it does cover medication also? If not £140 per month for medication for my dog is something i can ill afford. I love her dearly and hate to see her suffering, but feel i am in a no win situation. She needs the medication to stop her suffering and i cant afford it. What am i to do??
Should anyone have any advise, i would be greatly appreciative, as i am now at my wits end

warm regards

Em x
emma s
vetoryl and cushings
May 01, 2008 08:25PM
Hello all,

I have a 7 year old staffie that has been diagnosed with cushings. So far it has cost £120 for 1st set of blood tests, then £98 for her to be admitted for the day for the stimulation test which was conclusive with the diagnosis resulting in an additional bill for £23 for 10 days supply of the vetoryl 60mg tab. Today the vet has said that the dose has to increase, and on going to pick up the new prescription it cost £48!!!! for 20 tabs. We do have insurance, but as far as i am aware this covers consultation and treatment but not medication. Or does treatment mean that it does cover medication also? If not £140 per month for medication for my dog is something i can ill afford. I love her dearly and hate to see her suffering, but feel i am in a no win situation. She needs the medication to stop her suffering and i cant afford it. What am i to do??
Should anyone have any advise, i would be greatly appreciative, as i am now at my wits end

warm regards

Em x
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
May 02, 2008 08:00AM

I would be surprised if your insurance cover did not include the cost of medication - have you asked your insurers?

david and lilly
Re:experience of Vetoryl treatment for cushings
May 24, 2008 09:33PM
Hello, we had our dog which was a labrador x collie diagnosed with cushing in jan 06, and he was on treatment with vetroyl until he died three weeks ago, at the age of 14 3/4.The dosage in tablets decreased with age/body weight.The treatment worked fine, and it gave our dog 2 1/2 years of extra life. You can tell if your overdosing as your dog may become lithargic, and appear at deaths door. As it was we dealt with this, and he lasted another 20 weeks.So we have quite alot of experience of treating this desease over a long period of time.

Kind Regards

David and Lilly
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
May 26, 2008 11:43AM

Thank you for that contribution. I am sure that will give comfort to other pet owners in the same situation.

anne britton
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
May 28, 2008 01:48PM
Can anyone give me info re purchasing Vetoryl Caps both 30mg and 60mg
l am looking for the best value,


Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 04, 2008 11:13AM
My weimeraner is 11 years old & was diagnosed with cushings last year.My insurance company has paid for everything until recently, when they sent me a letter stating I had reached the limit of my cover. Now I too need to look for a cheaper supply as my dog needs 180mgs a day.
If you are unsure of how to find cheaper drugs just go to google & put vetoryl into the search engine. Loads of companies come up.
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 11, 2008 05:25PM
My 12yr old boxer was diagnosed with cushings ten months ago and I have paid the same as everyone else for tests and then tablets. His health has improved greatly, but now our insurance tell us that we can only claim for another two months. I have no choice but to pay as he will die without treatment. I would urge everyone to check the insurance that you have does not cut off after twelve months. My insurance is now over £32 per month so I don't get much back, so I am looking to cancel my insurance and get my tablets online.
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 19, 2008 01:51PM
Our Miniature Schnauzer "Maxi" died one year ago. He had morbus cushing, and Vetoryl, before Modrenal, helped him for three more years of life.
There are left 53 caps Vetoryl 60 mg, which I'd give away for EUR 0,60 per piece. This is 1/3 of the price I paid for.


Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 19, 2008 01:58PM

I must advise you that it is illegal to sell, and anyone to buy, a prescription-only medicine such as Vetoryl unless the seller is a qualified pharmacist and the buyer has a properly completed veterinary prescription.

Helen Campbell
Re: Cost of Vetoryl
June 20, 2008 12:36PM

I have a 15 year old cross bred GS who was diagnosed 6 years ago with Cushings disease and he has been on Vetoryl ever since. I started paying just over £50.00 and have watched it climb to £97.00 to date. Henry (the dog) had 2 ACTH stimulation tests to establish what dose was needed, and my vet said that further tests would only be needed when we had noticed changes in his condition which might indicate a change in level; so do quiz your vet about regular testing! I guess that as this is a chronic disease, not really needing much management, there is little money to be made by the vets. My dog very rarely sees a vet now so its just the £97.00 a month. In addition to Vetoryl, Henry is also treated by a homeopathic vet. This is an additional cost but it has offered him great relief from most of the symptoms. The reason I mention homeopathy is that is that it gives the most amazing results and is a tenth of the cost. If I had know about how good it was before I started with Vetoryl I probably would not have put Henry on it at all. I had a horse that had cushings disease and he was treated with homeopathy only. He survived 4 years from date of diagnosis, two of them ridden. Google Mark Elliot Veterinary Surgeon, West Sussex. He is published papers on this condition and has a deep understanding of the disease. Good luck!

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