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Is my cat dying or sick?

Posted by asemarti 
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
June 20, 2008 05:20PM
My cat has been throwing up for the past two days, its all been her food. Usually she only caughs up hairballs so this is new, also in the past month she's been peeing in the basement all over the cement floor, her little box is clean and right beside where she's been peeing.. She also has been withdrawn, seldomly comes around and will only sleep with me in the bed, should i take her to the vet or wait it out
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
June 21, 2008 07:56AM

Yes, I think you should take her to your vet for a full check-up.

jane evenden
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 10, 2008 07:28AM

My cat is about 14yrs old has been sick for the past couple of days (Yellow sick), not eaten, drunk, or used the litter tray, or wanted to move from the sofa. I have since found a lump under her ear, quite a big one, do you think if its an abscess thats what could be causing all the other problems? I am contacting the vet later to make an appointment but am worried as to what they will say.

Someone put my mind at rest please!!
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 10, 2008 09:12AM

This lump could be either an abscess or a tumour. If it is an abscess there is a good chance of a complete cure, but if it is a tumour, very much less so. If it has appeared rapidly, it is more likely to be an abscess
Your vet will be able to distinguish which when he sees it.

Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 11, 2008 01:03PM
I have a siamese cat aged about 8years. She has recently been sick quite regularly although with gaps in between bouts of sickness - mainly frothy. She appears to be eating and drinking ok and apart from the sickness and occ diaorrehea seems well. She has been back and forth to the vets who say she has an upset tummy and to change her diet which we have done. Today she was sick again and there was blood in the vomit. We have an appointment for the vets tomorrow but my daughter (whose cat it is) is beside herself. Is there anything you can tell me that I can ease her fears a little. She is convinced the cat has cancer and is likely to die. Not being familiar with cat illnessess I dont know what other things it could be before worrying about anything drastic.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 12, 2008 07:10AM
I am sorry, but I cannot suggest a diagnosis on the information you have given me. I hope your vet will be able to reassure you after a full examination.

Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 15, 2008 07:00PM
Hi my name is Hayley I' am an 11 year old girl.
My cat was Moving her head backwards freakly and breathing really fast. I think she is 7. But now she is in the hospital. I' am super scared!!! =[ what should i do!

Please answer Back,
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 15, 2008 07:46PM
Hi, Hayley,
If your cat is in your vet's hospital, I am sure that she is being looked after very well.
I hope she gets better soon.

Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 18, 2008 03:05AM
Hello, my cat Charley is only a year old. Just this morning I noticed him sitting on the edge of the driveway, hunched over, not moving. I picked him up and carried him to the porch (which was a miracle in itself, because he doesn't like to be held for very long or carried at ALL). I came home about seven hours later and he was in the same spot. He had eaten his breakfast, but has not eaten since then (seven hours ago). My husband and I have tried handling him, but he just starts growling (a defense mechanism-he's really a softy at heart). He just seems to be favoring his upper body-not able to lay down. I have to maneuver him, or else he'll stay in that hunched over position. All he's done all day is lay there and breathe real heavily and he has this look in his eyes like he's given up. Can a fall from a tree cause this? He did get up and move a foot, only to pee all over himself. I will take him to the vet tomorrow, but I'm curious if anybody knows anything that the doctor might not think of. I did pick a huge tick off of his side, so I'm wondering if it could be Lyme's disease. Please help. Charley is a gift from my husband and he's like my child. Thanks.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 18, 2008 11:48AM

Apart from saying that you clearly have a very sck cat, I cannot offer much help. A fall from a height is less likely to casue the signs you desribe than having been hit bya motor vehicle.

A full check by your vet ASAP is essential.

Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 19, 2008 10:02PM
Thanks for your help, but I think it's too late. I haven't seen Charley since two nights ago, and I have a feeling that he's gone for good. He was gone when I woke up the next morning, so I couldn't take him to the vet. His food and water is untouched, so I know he hasn't come around. I'm just glad that if he is dead, he's out of his pain and misery.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
July 20, 2008 03:55PM
I am afraid you may be right. Very ill animals do tend to take themselves away to die.

brian williams
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
September 29, 2008 09:05PM
my six and a half female cat who has been doctored has gone from a loving disposition to hiding away.She is only nibbling at her food and has obviously lost weight also she wants to go out when before she was a home bird.
I have took her to my vet three times she's had blood tests and injections been examined by two different vets who can find no apparent problems.
any suggestions
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
October 03, 2008 08:26AM

Not all illnesses can be easily diagnosed, and I think it is unlikely that I can make one when the vets who have examined her and carried out tests are unable to do do.
Has she been x-rayed to see if she has an obstruceted bowel?

Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
November 21, 2008 02:43PM
Walter Beswick Wrote:
> Dear Susan, and Helen,
> I am afraid that your cats seem to be seriously
> ill, and need urgent attention.
> It may be that your best choice is euthanasia if
> you cannot afford treatment, but you must not
> allow them to continue like this.
> W
Is there any chance of survival?
June 13, 2009 06:47PM
I have a 9 year old cat who has recently lost a lot of weight. The vet has done blood tests and said it is problems with her liver but it isn't her thyroid. He has put her on meds to try and improve her eating and to boost her system before having to do scans and a biopsy. Is there a chance that my cat can recover from these liver problems or is death inevitable?
Re: Is there any chance of survival?
June 14, 2009 07:06AM

If her blood tests indicate that she has severe chronic liver failure, she has no long-term future.
I would advise you, very strongly, not to waste money on scans and biopsies. They (at considerable expense) will only confirm what the blood tests have already indicated and are unnecessary..

roslyn hamilton
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
June 07, 2010 09:54PM
I have inherited, my mums 2 cats 7 months ago, one is a 17 yr old male oriental lilac the other a 7 yr old male siamese, the lilac has hardly been ill, he eats his food , whiskas pouches, but lately he yams very loudly a few times then stops , he is quite boney too, i always give them a clean box , fresh water, i always leave a bowl of dry food out for them too incase they get hungry inbetween feeds. Is this a sign of old age or is there something serious wrong with him, the siamese is fine.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
June 08, 2010 07:42AM
at 17 years she will be showing signs of senility and organ failure. I think that this probably the case here.
Simon f
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
August 30, 2012 05:00PM
For the past week our 18 year old male cat, brings all his food back up after 5-10 minutes of eating.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
August 31, 2012 09:36AM
He needs to be seen by a vet who will be able to make a proper diagnosis and give you a prognosis after a full clinical exam.
Re: Is my cat dying or sick?
September 05, 2012 09:58AM
If at any time of your life you have a medical problem, would you like to just be left alone? Or, would you like to get some help? Think about it....what goes around comes around. So are you going to help your cat, or are you going to let it suffer? Untreated bladder infection can lead to kidney failure, are you ok with having that on your conscience?


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