VetClick Discussion Forum

Relocating with a dog!
January 27, 2005 04:12PM

Hello, I just wanted to ask a relocation question. I am planning on moving to Turkey or a different sunny country and want to of course take my dog with me. Hes 6 years old and in hot or even warm weathers he gets too hot and starts panting. I want to know if taking him to such country will make him uncomfortable due to the hot climate? Will the climate affect his health, etc.?

Thank you in advance.


Re: Relocating with a dog!
February 01, 2005 10:57AM
Hi, Ilknir,
You do not mention what breed your dog is - heavy coated breeds do find it more difficult to cope with higher termperatures than short coated ones.
All dogs maintain their body temperature when they are hot by panting - they are 'air-cooled' - so that in itself is normal and to be expected.
It is important to find out what infections dogs in Turkey are exposed to - sorry, I cannot help you there. If for example, heartworm or ticks are a problem, take plenty of the right treatment with you to keep you going until you can contact a good veterinary practice over there to supply you.

Re: Relocating with a dog!
February 01, 2005 12:06PM
Hello again, thank you for replying to my email. My dog is a Bichon Frise. You say some dogs cope less well, could this cause big problems in his health if he cant cope? What would the consecquences?

Re: Relocating with a dog!
February 01, 2005 05:08PM
Hi, Ilknur,
A Bichon Frise shoudl be able to cope with the heat.
If he ever appears distressed by it, get his coat clipped short.

Re: Relocating with a dog!
February 03, 2005 12:37PM

Thanks very much for that, you've made my day by saying that he would cope.

Thanks again.


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