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dog pregnancy

Posted by tracy 
Re: dog pregnancy
September 11, 2011 11:28AM
My dog is 59 days pregnant and when i took her temp ,which she was reluctant to let me do, it was 37.2. Will the puppies be on their way soon? she is eating a little less than usual but still eating and doesnt seem agitated or stressed in anyway. I am praying it is over soon cos i feel sorry for her lol

Any help really appreciated
Re: dog pregnancy
September 15, 2011 07:05AM
I am not a great believer in the temperature thing so I would not necessarily take much notice of it. The bitch will whelp when she is ready and as long as she is well in herself and not displaying any behaviour associated with giving birth just be patient.

Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been on holiday.
Re: dog pregnancy
September 16, 2011 11:08AM
Ty Mark .........we went back to the vet yesterday and her temp was normal, but she has refused to eat anything and she has been laying down and staring into space since yesterday afternoon, she wont let me take her temp or near her vulva which appears soft when her tail moved i noticed some long should i let this go on before contacting the vet again ??? do you think she is in first stage of labour??

again ....any advice very appreciatted

Re: dog pregnancy
September 17, 2011 05:13AM
I suspect things are about to be happening!
Re: dog pregnancy
September 20, 2011 02:02PM
hi my lab bitch is at due 2 whelp on the 24/9/2011 and i was hoping you could tell me what signs to look out for. shes an out door dog and lives in a kennel and run outside which we have got prepared for her and have installed a heat lamp for when the pups are here. shes laying down a lot now and has milk in her teats thanks
melissa craig
Re: dog pregnancy
September 21, 2011 08:04PM
I have a year and a half old Dalmatian female and while i was away my neighbor was looking after her. She allowed and I will say allowed because she let it happen by not takin precautions My female dog to get tied with a male Husky. Date was 7/17/11. I opted not to abort pregnancy because I vote Life. Anyways she is 66 days along with no signs of labor. My vet said that it could take up to 72 hours for the semen to fertelize an egg and doesnt appear concerned. She has 3-5 pups 3 skeletons were seen in x ray but 5 heartbeats were heard. I am sorry for all the information I just want the best answer should I find a new vet? Everyone is sayin to wait but I am really concerned about my dogs health

Thank you, Melissa
Re: dog pregnancy
September 21, 2011 08:53PM
ty for all advice mark .... roxie has been blessed with 4 healthy boys and 2 healthy girls : )
Re: dog pregnancy
September 22, 2011 12:09PM
Hi I have a 18month old Lhasa who is 55 days t day (this is her first pregnancy) n this morning she has started t shiver .. Is this normal or am I over reacting ? Do I need t take her t the vets or will I b wasting third time !! V anxious mum
Re: dog pregnancy
September 26, 2011 06:13AM
The day of mating is rarely the day of conception which can be 3 days later, on top of this the length of pregnancy can vary by a few days so it is easy to be 5 or more days out with the due date so do not worry. Most pregnancies are unremarkable without problems so try not to over-react to small changes in the bitch which are to be expected. If the bitch is eating, bright and showing no signs of labour then things are probably ok.
Re: dog pregnancy
October 28, 2011 11:37PM
Hi i have a mini labradoodle she is now day 59..but since day 56 she had a mucus clear show..(was like egg white coming from her).she has had that a few days random.her bit has also swollen really big....she was panting a litte earlier and sort of crying very quietly and looking sad..she has been pacing a lot too..she is now laying down and is heavy breathing,,,do you think this may be an imminent birth...I had her scanned at 5weeks and there is 6/7 puppies...she is just so uncomfortable now ...thanks
Re: dog pregnancy
October 31, 2011 10:27AM
This does suggest she is in labour
Re: dog pregnancy
December 06, 2011 05:57PM

I breed my bitch on the 17th and 18th of November which should make her around 19 days if she is pregnant. I took her to my vet today just for a check up and he said he couldn't feel anything and therefore she wasn't pregnant! I thought it was too early to tell? She has been behaving very different since the breeding, very clingy, off her food in the last few days, demanding a lot more to go out to the toilet, generally a lot more demanding, growls if anyone goes anywhere close to her abdomen and has the slight white/yellow discharge that is mentioned, could she be pregnant and it have been too early to tell?
Re: dog pregnancy
December 18, 2011 11:29AM
3 weeks after mating is the ideal time to diagnose pregnancy by palpation (feeling the tummy), before this the uterus may not be big enough to feel and much afterwards the fluid around the foetuses can make it difficult. If the bitch is fat then it can be difficult to say, but it depends on the skill of the vet. If a discharge is present then the bitch may not be pregnent, it depends on how much discharge etc.


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