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dog pregnancy
November 22, 2006 12:38PM
how long is a dog usually in labour for??..i have a 2 year old lhasa apso..that is due to have pups today...she's started shivering and has been digging..does this mean the pups will be born soon??
Re: dog pregnancy
November 22, 2006 04:35PM
Hi, Tracy,
Ifb today is the 63rd/64th day of pregnancy it sounds like your lhasa apso is in the first stage of labour. This can go on for several hours, so nothing to worry about so far. More than 12-28 hours, seek some help from an experienced breeder or your vet. Allow up to 4 hours between each pup before getting concerned. You will probably be able to tell when she is finished by her wanting to nurse the pups - she may not be very interested in them whilst she is still whelping.
Dry them off and keep them warm on a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.
Re: dog pregnancy
September 25, 2007 04:58AM
I have a lhasa apso and she is 66 days in to her pregnancy and no signs of staring yet. just want to know if this is normal for a lhasa to go this long.
Re: dog pregnancy
September 25, 2007 06:18PM
Hi, Chris,

The average duration of a pegnancy is 63/64 days. 66 days is not unusual, but if you are sure that you have counted right, and there is no activity in another two days, let your vet have a look at her.

Re: dog pregnancy
October 23, 2007 08:10AM
Hi. We have a Danie Dinmont Terrier who is 7 and is pregnant for the first time. She was mated twice in August on 21st and 24th, by a stud from the same pedigree and the breeder she orginally came from, and so could be in her 60th or 63rd day of her pregnancy. She is very quiet and naps alot. Over the last couple of days she has rarely been away from her bed, which we have moved to a very quiet and personal corner for her. She is off her food, but has occassionally walked over to her bowl and nibbled a little. She has passed mucas, but not anything much at all. Last night she was breathing fast and heavily, but not panting as such. She has not been sick, but does seem very restless and uncomfortable. We are very prepared for her birth and just want to make sure everything is ok for her. If we are calm, i know she will be calm. We understand she was mated very late, at 6, yet she is such a beautfitul dog and with very few around, we wanted another for company for her and thought this would be an ideal companion for her. As she is 7, the breeder recommended a C-section, yet we really wanted to avoid this as it is major abdominal surgery and allows less bonding with her babies. Do you agree? Also, does everything seem ok at the moment? We very much look forward to your response! Many Thanks. xx
Re: dog pregnancy
October 26, 2007 09:14AM
Hi, Millie,

I am sorry to have been so long in replying, but I have been away fro my desk for the lst 5 days.
I suspec that by now your problem will have been solved and that she has had her pups. I hope that all went well and a section was not necessary.

lorraine curran
Re: dog pregnancy
November 11, 2007 06:32PM
my dogs teats are enlarged is there any other reason except pregnancy that this would happen
Re: dog pregnancy
November 11, 2007 08:31PM
Hi, Lorraine,

Yes, some bitches have a'false pregnancy' where the teats swell and some produce milk.

cathy henry
Re: dog pregnancy
February 02, 2008 01:50PM
i have an eight month old jack russell bitch and a springer has tied with her she has had two shots of mesalin two wks ago and her teats larger than normal.will she be able to deliver pups normally?,.also if after a c section(if the worst comes to the worst)will she be able to breed again because the plan was to breed her at two with another jack.
Re: dog pregnancy
February 02, 2008 02:00PM
Hi, Cathy,

Your bitch may not be in pup, despite her teats getting bigger - I hope she is not, because a ltter at under a year old is not advisable. If the worst comes to the worst, and she is pregnant she may whelp normally, but put your vet on stand by and get her checked a couple of weeks before she is due to whelp, and again nearer the time.
You should be able to breed her again when she is 2.

Re: dog pregnancy
February 04, 2008 06:48PM
hi i have a lhaso that is due to pup on the 10th of feb.she has gone of her food,shes very clingey,her tummy has not dropped.also i have been told she should be losing a discharge and shes not
waiting patently
Re: dog pregnancy
February 04, 2008 07:20PM
Hi, mandy,

Just let nature take its course.

Re: dog pregnancy
April 03, 2008 03:41PM
Hi i have a labrador bitch which i want to breed, she has just been in season which finished last week, how long will it be until she is next in season? And can dogs only become pregnant when they are mated in season?
Re: dog pregnancy
April 04, 2008 08:59AM

I suggest that you buy a good dog book that will give you some information which you clearly need before embarking on breeding your bitch.

Bitches can only conceive when they are in season, but the season, lasts for three weeks, and picking the right time during that three weeks is essential;

The average interval between oetrus cycles is six months.

Re: dog pregnancy
April 06, 2008 09:09PM
hi my staffs 64 days today its her 1st pregnancy how long do you think it would be now
Re: dog pregnancy
April 07, 2008 09:47AM
Should be today; If no action by tomorrow get her checked by your vet.

Re: Just 1 in the oven
April 12, 2008 10:59PM
Hi. I have a 6 year old yellow lab...took her to the vet for an xray at day 59 and all we could see was 1 it is now day 61 and she is resting and breathing heavy (and today is so hot)...I am worried that she will not be able to have the pup naturally because it may be too big to come out...what signs should I look for to know whether/when to get to the vet for a c-section?
Re: dog pregnancy
April 13, 2008 08:01AM
Hi, Leslie,

Give her another couple of days - to her 64th day. If you have a thermometer take her temperature twice a day - when it falls to 100.5F you will know that whelping is imminent. If nothing has happened after 12 hours call your vet.
Labs do not usually have problems whelping.

Re: dog pregnancy
April 20, 2008 09:59PM
my 2 yr. old minature schnauzer is at 62 days today.. started shivering this am and has now been panting for approx 3 hrs. he temp was about 99 degrees this am. How long should it be before we begin to see her pup delivered? Are we talking couple of hours or a day?
Re: dog pregnancy
April 21, 2008 07:58AM

Certainly within 24 hours.

pregnant dog
Re: dog pregnancy
May 16, 2008 01:12PM
my 1 year old lhasa apso is 4 wks pregnant and her bits are swollen n look sore she is also very fidgety any ideas why
Re: dog pregnancy
May 17, 2008 11:05AM

Does this mean you mated her at her first season? Have you never lived with a pregnant female before? Pregnancy does have some strange effects on behaviour in all species!

Denise Wye
Re: dog pregnancy
May 25, 2008 08:53PM
Hi, I have a 17mth old yorkie. Mated her 6th April today she is 50days. She is filling out around her tummy & her feeders are getting bigger.
I took her to the vets but he says she isnt pregnant, why would she be getting bigger?
Can you give me some advice as to whether I should still make arrangements to where she is to have puppies incase she is pregnant.
Denise x
Re: dog pregnancy
May 26, 2008 12:06PM
Hi, Denise,

If your bitch is pregnant your vet should have been able to tell at 50 days without any doubt.
Bitches do occasionally have a 'false prgnancy' where the tummy gets bigger and the teats swell, and may even produce milk.

If you have any doubts at all yourself, get her re-examined at about the 60th day.

Re: dog pregnancy
June 09, 2008 01:29PM
hiya.. we bought a 10 month old female yorkie last week for our year old male yorkie for company, with a view of spaying her

i asked the previous owner before buying her if she had, had a season yet no they dont have them until at least 15 months was the reply

hmm anyways last night while we slept we were awoken by her whining in pain upon investigating we found them both firmly stuck together

concerned now that she may be pregnant or do dogs get stuck together just for fun?

ive owned a female dog before and realy dont understand how they could of missed a season

Re: dog pregnancy
June 12, 2008 09:54AM

To say that a Yorkie does not come into season before 15 months is ridiculous, but I am surprised that you dod not realise that she was in season. She would not mate if she were not.
You should get her to a vet within 48 hours and she can be given a contraceptive injection. She should not be allowed to continue with a preganancy at this young age.

Re: dog pregnancy
June 13, 2008 04:14PM
Dear Modrator

I have a bullmastiff that is now in her 66days of preganacy and i cannot understand what is really happinig to her
Re: dog pregnancy
June 14, 2008 11:22AM

Have you had her pregnancy checked by a vet? If not, do so NOW.

Re: dog pregnancy
June 20, 2008 08:02AM
My bitch has had a mis mating, Wouldn't be an issue for me except her last litter was only 6 months ago!

She has shown no signs of been in season, hence the reason I did not seperate her from her mate.

Please advise, I know that it is not in the bitches best interest to have more than one litter a year(personally I think 1 every two years) However If I let her continue with this pregnancy will she suffer?

Feeling very guilty sad smiley

Kind regards
Re: dog pregnancy
June 20, 2008 08:06AM

It is certainly not in her best interets to let her have two litters inside a year, but if she is fit and well looked after she should be able to cope. You can get treatment from your vet to prevent conception if you get it within 3/4 days if you prefer.


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