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Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)

Posted by Mary Forrester 
Mary Forrester
Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 29, 2007 11:53AM
I have a puppy of 6 weeks with Puppy Strangles, the outbreak happened at approximately 4 1/2 weeks of age with a little white spot on the eye rim. She attended the vet when I became suspicious as it seemed to be growing in size a few days later. I asked straight way "was it Puppy Head Gland Decease", my vet assured me that no it wasn't. I was given Silica, and eye drops. A couple of days later her eye rims became very swollen and again I went back to the vet and again told them I was convinced it was this particular decease. Again they assurred me it wasn't as none of her glands were up. I was given Sinulox and more eye drops. A couple of day later this little puppy was shivering and very much in pain. Her mouth was very swollen so I had to crush the tablet to give them to her. I felt her glands and sure enough they were up like footballs. Back to the vet where he obviously realised that it was this decease. He gave her a steriod injection and gave me palable Sinulax (drops). I returned to the vet with her the following day and she received another steriod injection. As there is difficulty in getting a tablet down her that is the way forward the vet wants to take. I am due back in the morning to have another injection, however, should I take her today and have another one and try and get tablets for her? I am very concerned about my baby, I have tried to separate her from her litter mates as they are very lively and rough, but she wants to be in her environment, I would imagine where she feels better should she need the toilet and her comfortable little bed. She isn't so good today and I really do not know how to proceed and should I return to the vet today?

I have bred my breed for 27 years and only ever had one other case of this. I am a little angry as if I had been listened to in the first instance or even the second instance, she would not be in the state she is in now. My breeding experience has given me knowledge obviously over all these years and would like vets to realise that we do experience strange ocurrances than they will ever witness and we should be listened to and our information taken on board.

Please help!!!!
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 29, 2007 12:18PM
Hi, Mary,

Head gland disease ( I do not like the expression 'puppy strangles') is a very difficult condition to treat, and may be associated with an immunodeficiency problem.
Do not be too hard on your vet fro not diagnosing it at the start - it would be a step too far to recognise it on the basis of a single pimple on an eyelid.
I am not sure of the wisdom of giving steroids, but it is up to your vet to decide on the best treatment. Whatever is given, one cannot guarntee success with this very nasty illness.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
December 26, 2007 03:56AM
Our dachshund puppy had a terrible case of puppy strangles when he was a baby. The aggressive treatment of steroids and antibiotics for several weeks cured him, and today he's a perfectly happy and healthy two year old.

It started out the same way, with a white spot on the eyelid, and progressed to him unable to move without crying in pain. I'm very grateful to my vet for the treatment that saved our beloved dog.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
September 08, 2008 07:03PM
I am currently going through same predicament with one of my baby staffies, he has developed pneumonia as well and is not too good at the present, only my second ever litter and wondering if it was maybe something I overlooked that caused this or if it is hereditary, through dad, or just one of those unfortunate things that can happen. Whichever it is, I wouldnt wish this on anyone, have spent last fortnight in a daze really, worrying about pup. The marks on his face and ears, first was like a scratch on his eyelid, were horrible and he looked like he had been mauled, then I was told he had developed the pneumonia also. He has had antibiotic injection and is on eyedrops, steroids and a powder for his little lungs. I wish you all the best with your pups and my heart goes out to anyone that ever has or will have to go through this awful disease with any of their pups.
Is it true that it only affects them until they are 4 months (16weeks) or is it that they have to be treated until that age?
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
September 08, 2008 07:53PM

This pup, too, sounds like he may have an immunodeficiency problem and could always be liable to infection.
There is no guarantee that he will grow out of it.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 19, 2008 12:27PM
We had a weimerana puppy that we collected at 8 weeks old - he looked perfect apart form a small sty in his eye. He was very wobbly on his feet and would often fall over and not want to stand again for 10-20 minutes. We thought this was just normal puppy behaviour - especially as we had a tiled floor!

After 2 days we noticed that mucus / goo of a reddy brown colour was being discharged from his eyes and his snout was becoming quite swollen.

We took him straight to the vets and he was diagnosed immediately. Our vet could have given us steroids but she said that as he was so small the steroids may affect his health more than the disease and could impact on his temperament long term.

So we were given antibiotics and anti inflammatory pain killers. Within hours of having the medication he was running around and being boisterous with our 2 1/2 year old weimerana.

Over the next 6-9 weeks the puppy became more swollen - everywhere - but his spirit was always there! His ears swelled up beyond belief, his snout became red, inflamed and very swollen, his anus, penis and testical’s swelled up which made any toilet activity painful and his glands under his chin looked liked he was hatching golf balls.

All over his body - wherever there was a secretion gland we found little lumps that filled with goo and burst emitting red puss that left him scabby and scarred.

We were given plenty of povidine / iodine mix that we were instructed to bathe any sores with and then bath him once a day in the sink in it. He smelt of blood and illness constantly but was one of the most cuddly and loving puppy ever.

After much nursing and worrying, our puppy came out the other end as a pretty normal puppy. He still has to have his ears clean as they regularly fill with dark wax, and he cries a lot as his tear ducts were damaged but he is fine.

It appears that in most cases the first signs are sty's on the puppy's eyes so if you ever encounter this take the puppy to your vets immediately and raise the question of Puppy Head Gland / Strangles - its not very common and your vet might not identify it straight away.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 19, 2008 01:07PM
Dear Abigail,

Thank you for that very detailed description of puppy head-gland disease and its treatment which I am sure others will find very useful.

I am pleased that all your hard work in treating it paid off, and that your pup is now OK.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
November 19, 2008 04:15PM
I read the above posts in horror. My baby puppy who is just 6 weeks old had what looked like a bug bite on his eyelid a week ago. Then his eyelids swelled. I took hin to the vet and they gave him clamamox and erythimicin eye drops. I have been giving them to his as directed for 5 days. Today his bottom lip is also swollen and he is developing little bumps on his snout. I am very concerned he might have Puppy Head Gland/Puppy Strangles. Should I take him back to the vet? They told me to give it a week, but I am afraid he will be miserale in a week. My money is tight right now, I was therefore going to give him to a wonderful home (friends of ours) for the price of his vet bill which was $100. They are concerned about the financial burden of a puppy which I previously assured them isn't typically much for just one small Chi Pin. Please give me some advice as to how to proceed. I adore the puppy and although I don't know how we can pay for more visits like the last, I will do what it takes to ensure his survival. Oh, and the vet doesn't accept Care Credit.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
November 19, 2008 04:39PM
Hi, Lindsay,

Puppy head gland disease ( and it does sound like this is the problem) usually resolves with or without antibiotics after a few months, but those few months are pretty miserable for the pup and for its owners!

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
November 22, 2008 08:49PM
you need to get steroids NOW. same thing happened with my weim pup. antibiotics did not really help until combo'd with roids.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
November 23, 2008 08:50AM

I would NOT advise putting a six-week-old puppy on to steroids.

Janette Croker
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
December 10, 2008 11:08AM
I currently have a weimaraner pup, who at 6 wks started with pimples in his ears, then his eyes, and soft tissues around his muzzle, His glands started to swell under his jaw, but the swelling did not resolve with anti inflammatories or Synulox antibiotics, though he did brighten up slightly after each injection. He never really lost his appetite, but appearred "depressed" and slept a lot.
Only after his 3rd visit to the vets, a week after onset of symptoms and being seen by a different vet, was the suggestion of "pupy strangles" made, but even then I do not thinks she was convinced enough to start steroids, but tried a non-penicillin antibiotic, in case it was an allergy to penicillin. Basically my puppy was put on "death row" on this visit, she asked to review him the following day, but if he was no better, then it would be kinder.........
I went home and read multiple articles re puppy strangles, some medical, some personal experience.
The common point was treat aggressively with steroids, as this illness does not respond to antibiotics and anti inflammatories alone. Armed with a couple of articles, as my pup have every text book symptom described in all the articles and now his face was twice the size it should be. He was well in himself, eating well and drinking, and trying to play with his fellow pups, we returned to the vets the next morning.
I gave the vet the articles, which she read and agreed to try the steroids. He had his first injection and then 24 hrs later commenced the steroid tablets. After 24 hrs his head had reduced almost back to normal size. His glands are still slightly swollen, but reducing, and he is lively and boisterous, like a pup his age should be.
He is only on day 3 of his steroids, but looking like he will make a good recovery.
As this illness only affects pups of 3 weeks to 6 months, and can be painful for them, steroids along with the antibiotics seem the best treatment as antibiotics and anti inflammatories only prolong the symptoms and swelling and in the case of my pup, did not reduce the inflammation, he continued to swell despite them.
The sooner it is diagnosed and steroids started the less time they will require them and be less detremental to the puppy.
As the illness is uncommon, it would appear many vets have not seen it so are unfamiliar with the symptoms.
Good luck to anyone who has a puppy wit this illness.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
December 10, 2008 11:20AM

I am pleased to hear that your pup is doing so well on his treatment, and delighted that you pressed ahead despite the vet's advice.
Puppy head gland disease is NOT all that rare - and I have the impression that Dobermanns are particularly susceptible.
I saw quite a few cases in my time, and as I recollect cephalosporin antibiotics were the most effective. In young dogs steroids should be kept at the minimum effective dose for the shortest time.
I do not remember ever having to put a puppy down becasue of this condition.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2008 11:22AM by Walter Beswick.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 06, 2009 11:17AM
My jack russel Nellie had a very bad case of puppy strangles at 6 weeks. If i hadnt take her to the vets she would almost certainly have died!!! she was put on steroids and made excellent progress.Within 3 months she was a normal healthy puppy. Eighteen months on she is in fantastic condition, with only minimal scaring to her little face. I had 100% confidence in my vet, and would advise anyone, with any doubts wotsoever, to take the animal to the vets immediately. THIS LIFE THREATENING VIRUS WILL NOT DISSAPPEAR ON ITS OWN.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 06, 2009 11:31AM
is it advisable to breed after a dog has had puppy strangles??
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 06, 2009 01:51PM
Almost all cases do recover with proper treatment, but scarring is common.
No reason at all why you should not breed with your JRT bitch.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 07, 2009 09:48PM
ive got a springer spaniel pup.i got him about 3 wks ago he had sum dicharge cuming out of his eyes.about a wk later his eyes swelled up i took him to the vets thinking he had conjunctivitis but the vet diagnosed puppy strangles straight away . she said it was a rare genetic disorder she had seen it once before in a golden labrador. he was given antibiotics and anti imflamatery steroids . i took him back to the vets a couple days later and the swelling had gone down a little they lowered the sterode dose.its a another wk later now he s eyes are still slighty swollen but you wouldnt think he was ill at all hes very lively and seems to always be hungry.hopefully hes over the worst and wont reaccur. i think the key to him being so healthy now was an early diagnosis .
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 21, 2009 05:02PM
have just taken my 8 week puppy to the vets today and he has been started on antibiotics. should he be on steroids too? he does not seem too ill - his eyes are a bit crusty and his glands seem swollen today but he is very lively and eating and drinking normally. also is this hereditary? the breeder tells me that one pup in the bitch's previous litter also had strangles but made a full recovery - it was treated with antibiotics and steroids. dont want to lose my boy.
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
June 22, 2009 06:33PM

I think that you should take your vet's advice on using steroids.
D ogs have a greater tolerance of steroids than do humans, but even so it is not wise to use steroids on such a young puppy unless all else fails.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
July 06, 2009 08:01PM
Our Great Dane puppy had a pretty bad case of puppy strangles (awful name) and it caused a horrid swelling of a gland on his throat, nearly to the size of a tennis ball.

I apologize a head of time for any misspellings of the medications about to be named.
Our vet put him on prednisone to be taken along with fomotoid (to prevent stomach problems from the steroid, and over the counter is just Pepcid for humans) and also cephalexan. She gave him cosequin as well (mainly due to his size I believe) and that cocktail did the trick. It was a long road and seemed like a lot of medication for a puppy, but when they cleared up we have yet to see them back. The swollen glands went down within a week of being on the medicine which I thought a win.

Good luck with what you're going through!
Eunice Cooper
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
July 27, 2009 10:26PM
Having read all the messages on the pages, I just thought I would tell you about my Shetland Sheepdog, Jasmine. She had this decease and had steroids etc. Her lumps and bumps were as large as grapes and small plums, they had to be bathed daily. She did recover and the only lasting thing was some scars on her nose where the scabs had been so deep. But she has had a happy life. At 4 years old she had a healthy litter of puppies, and we now have her daughter, granddaughter and great grandson. Jasmine is now coming up 14 and still enjoying life and does not seem to be wanting to give up yet, so do persevere with your puppies and it should come out right in the end
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
July 28, 2009 08:16AM
Hi, Eunice,

Thank you for that helpful and supportive contribution. I hope it gives some confidnece to others whose pets have this horrible complaint.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
August 22, 2009 04:10PM
We are considering adopting a dog who had puppy strangles when about 6 wks. old. He is 16 months old and completely healthy at this point -- but I am wondering, if it is an autoimmune disease, will he be pre-disposed to other auto-immune diseases as he gets older?
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
August 23, 2009 07:02AM

I cannot reacll ever seeing a dog which had suffered head-gland disease as a puppy and recovered being any the worse for it in adult life.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 20, 2009 07:46PM
Hi I am in the process of getting my little boy which I was supposed to collect on Saturday, he is a douge de bordeaux I have been told today that he has been diagnosed with puppy strangle, he was put on anti biotics on Saturday as he developed swollen glands, but got worse and has been diognosed today with puppy strangle and been given steroids and to be taken back on Friday for a second dose. The breader is very upset at this as she loves them all dearly. All the above symptoms were described but she also mentioned that as he is only seven weeks he may not make it. I know we could choose another pup but I am attached to my little boy he caught my eye from first seeing him. I do not know what to do as if I wait and he does not make it the rest of the pups may have gone, but on the other hand he might make a recovery and it would only mean waiting another few weeks until we get him. Help what direction do I take
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
October 21, 2009 07:17AM

Why deliberately set out to buy trouble?

Be sinsible. End the deal, get your money back if you have already paid a deposit and find a different pup ( or breeder, even better)

Layla Hammond
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
January 16, 2010 12:08PM
My puppy is 9 weeks old coming up to 10 weeks. Last week i notice he was limping on his right back leg then he went down hill pritty fast we took him to the vets and he had xrays and other stuff and had to stay in other two nights. But i also noticed a lump under throut. We mentioned it to the vets and he said its just his glades that are a bit sollowen i went way very worried. We got him home on wednesday and the lump has gone down its got bigger and he has two other lumps either side of his head at the back when we went back to the vets on friday (15th jan 2010) i mentioned it again and he said it was puppy stranngles which i have never heard of and it is worrying me alot. Hes on anitbiotics and has been since wednesday. Im just really hoping they start working and it clears up soon. I dont like seeing my puppy ill although he is running around and playing with his brother like he used to before he got ill. So there is some hope. We just need to get him other this and i'll have my diesel back. My heart goes out to anyone that is or has been though this i no how worrying and stressful it can me. Can someone please assure me that my puppy will get through this? Please?
Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
January 16, 2010 03:17PM

Puppy head gland disease is a very nasty infection, and can take a long time to clear up. but in my experience is rarely fatal.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
January 20, 2010 12:38AM
I just want to say this is not always reserved for young puppies. My 4 year old female Dachshund has just been diagnosed with Adult Onset Juvenile Cellulitis - the vet said it was also known as Strangles. My vet also said in 20 years she has never seen a case (I think she means in an adult) so it is rare. Now that we finally have a diagnosis and she is taking Prednisone along with an antibiotic we should make some progress.

Re: Puppy Strangles (puppy head glad decease)
February 02, 2010 03:57PM
we had two of our 3 week old puppies get strangles. We took them to the vet and they drained the swelling out of one and gave us steroids and antibiotics. They wouldn't drain the second puppys neck saying it wasn't big enough. The emergency vet cut our pups neck and there was bleeding and pup cried a lot. We decided to gently scrape at the 2nd pups neck days later when it was huge and it slowly came open and we drained the pus ourselved with no bleeding or incisions or crying. They are both doin better but we had to separate them from mom and their brothers and sisters since it is a bacterial disease that is contagious. Pups are both rexovering well with 24 hour care from us.


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