VetClick Discussion Forum


West Highland Terriers and Eczema

Posted by wat3r 
Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
January 28, 2010 09:05AM
So many westies suffer from this problem, and it can be very difficult to keep it under control.
Regular shampooing does help , and at least it helps keep the nasty smell down.

Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
February 25, 2010 05:29PM
Can you tell me the ratio of vinegar to water and is the vinegar white or brown. Many thanks.
Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
February 25, 2010 08:09PM


Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
March 08, 2010 09:56PM
I am no expert but I have a West Highland Terrier called Angel and she has Eczema on her belly we think. She rubs it on the grass but we used to bath her quite a lot but as she has got older she is now 9 we have stopped bathing her so much and it has helped a awful lot we also got some special shampoo which helped a lot to this has shown huge improvement in her behaviour energy levels and even her weight.

Sorry if this doesn't help at all

I am only 14 but I love my dog a lot!

Your sincerely

P.s something else that might help is keeping the Westies hair shorter so it doesn't irritate their skin so much.
Carmen Pearcy
Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
April 20, 2010 08:53PM
I have a 5 year old westie, her name is Daisy, she's been suffering from a condition called Demodex, it's a microscopic mite that survives under the skin eating the hair follicles causing the hair to fall out. These mites also cause horrible scabs which are sore and itchy and if they become infected are bloody with pus when they fall off!
She was on antibiotics for 2 months to clear the infection and the dermatoligist prescribed a medication called 'Interceptor' of which you can only purchase from France, Italy etc. The reason being is, this medicine is for 'heart worm' and other conditions, in the UK heart worm is eradicated.
My vet thought it very unusual that Daisy had this conditon at her age because it only occurs usually in puppies, she's just unlucky I suppose. Her skin is much better now but she's still taking the tablets, once a week instead of everday until she gets the all clear!

I thought she had some kind of eczema!
Walter Bestwick
Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
July 03, 2011 10:09PM
We have got a west highland terrier name Oscar she is 7 now and only in the last 2 years she has a skin eczema we have spent a lot of money in the vets and as we are pensions we are fining it hard We wash Oscar a lot when she has the rash in malshish shampoo but she had a sore ear now for about 3weeks and it got a smell to it we are using stuff we got of the vets but it getting more smelly so any help would be good
Do you think we should try primrose oil and what about Goats milk
Thanks Margaret Murphy
Re: West Highland Terriers and Eczema
September 28, 2011 08:55PM
Hi, I have two Westie's. They are litter sisters 4 years old. The smaller one, who was the runt of the litter, has no skin problems but her sister has suddenly started to get patches of eczema. The first problem started with her right ear. This was vet treated and did clear up for a couple of weeks but soon came back as soon as treatment stopped. She then had a patch start under her front leg and within a few days it spread to her other ear and her feet. I have taken the vets advice and changer her diet from canned feed to hypoallogenic and gluten free feed. I have now read all the advice above and will try some of the suggestions. I never gave any thought about the type of treats that she gets so that is also another avenue I will look into. If anyone has any further advice I would welcome it. If any of the suggestions work I will update this site. Good luck to all.

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