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My Cat won't eat!

Posted by Angel 
Re: My Cat won't eat!
August 08, 2013 06:29AM
Hi Maggie

I certainly hope you have taken your cat to a vet by now. All those symptoms were worrying and potentially serious.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: My Cat won't eat!
August 10, 2013 09:14AM
hi my kitten is 4/5 months old and she is constantly hungry and I give her Felix kitten pouches but only give her half a pouch every so often so she doesn't get hungry during the day. she also comes up to me and my partner wherever we eat and wants human food too. I gave her half a pouch yesterday and she left most of it and had been off her food all day. she has still been as playful and hasn't been sick or anything so I can't see a reason why she is leaving her food, quite worried because it's just not like her at all.
Re: My Cat won't eat!
August 13, 2013 05:00PM
Hi Jasmine

If she has continued to leave her food or if any other symptoms have developed then I can only advise that you get her checked by a vet. A young lively, growing cat should eat well most of the time.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: My Cat won't eat!
January 02, 2016 08:37PM
Hi,my female cat who is 2 was sick new years eve day. She was sick about 4 times,all clear,white froth and was extremely lethargic and just wanted to be on her own. I have had her since August and knew straight away something was wrong. Well,she stopped being sick later that day and new years day seemed to pick up a bit but wasn't eating and wasn't going out(she is an outdoor cat). Today,Sat,she woke me up early as she would normally(she wasn't when she was ill) and wanted to go out which I did. She has been in back and forth all day but has hardly eaten and is drinking more. She will eat these weetbox salmon sticks(loves them) and has just had some dreamies but she won't touch her biscuits and has only eaten less than a pouch all day. She seems hungry but sniffs her nose up at it,and the little she has eaten is really little. She had been eating between 2.5/3.5 pouches a day and some chicken,as well as a salmon stick or two a day. I read that it could be being over fed which I hold my hands up to. Frankie is my first cat and I love her to pieces. I am really really worried about her. She isn't right but has been playing a little with me. Please help,have I hurt her by overfeeding? I am worried sick. Thanks.
Re: My Cat won't eat!
January 08, 2016 03:17PM
My 14 year old male cat has stopped eating. His normal weight is 13 lbs and he is down to 6 lbs. we have been to our vet since we first noticed the weight loss and he was down to 10 lbs. Our vet has exhausted everything he can think of from blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound. While he was sedated for the ultrasound, he was thoroughly examined and his teeth and mouth look good. All came back normal except a mildly elevated pancreatic level. He has been resuscitated with IV fluids, given anti-nausea and pain medicine, but he still continues to lose weight and will hardly eat. He will lick the food but seldom eat any solid pieces. We have changed his food and tried different kinds. Right now he is on Science Diet Recovery a/d. I'm so sad to see him starving and I don't know what to do to help him. He is still snuggly and somewhat interactive, but he is emaciated. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Jessica Robinson
Re: My Cat won't eat!
January 11, 2016 05:36AM
Please help, our 16 year old male house cat cant eat. A couple weeks ago he started drooling a sludgy red and yellow substance from the left side of his mouth. We put him on some antibiotics for about a week, as of recently when he meows his tongue hangs out the right side of his mouth and he has a really horrible odor coming from his mouth. Kind of like a really old tampon, as gross as that may sound, but its the best way to describe it. We had to get a cone because he would use his paw to wipe his mouth and drag the substance across the side of his face. Now he mopes around, i was watching him eat tonight; we switched him from dry food to wet food, which he absolutely loves; but as i was watching him i noticed he puts it in his mouth and it comes out the side. He has lost weight and it worries us. He means alot to the whole family and we would hate to see him go. Do you possibly know what would be wrong with our cat, and what we can do? Money is extremely tight right now, and we are already so far behind on bills that we cant afford a vet visit.
My Cat won't eat he's just drinking non stop
February 16, 2016 10:44PM
My 6 year old cat won't eat he's food it started of he'd pick at he's foot a few weeks ago but now he won't eat at all he's always drinking water . He lost a tooth last year but has been fine since and now 6 months or more later this has happened he's breath smells and he doesn't go to the toilet as much I'm very very worried as he has lost loads of weight and is not seeming himself . Any help to what's wrong would really help thank you.


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