VetClick Discussion Forum

jackdaw fledgling
June 04, 2009 09:42PM
hello there,

I have just pulled out 2 jackdaw fledglings from my chimney. Their parents have been nesting in the chimney next to ours. It is 10;30 at night (and I have literally spent the last 4 hours trying to rescue the birds and am absolutely shattered physically and mentally) so it is unappropriate to reintroduce the birds back to their family. Ideally, I intend on returning the birds to their parents asap tomorrow but need to know if the parents will rememer and take them back after being away from them for a night.

I would really appreciate help from anybody that can, I get emotionally involved with things like this and would be very upset if i couldnt return birds to their family...

Much appreciated

Me smiling smiley

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