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Poorly adult blackbird, no visable injuries except missing tail
June 07, 2011 06:54PM
Hello everyone, I am new here, but in need of help so I can further help my currently dependent blackbird. He is a mature male blackbird, brought to me yesterday afternoon. He is missing his tail, and appears basically paralysed on his legs. He was found in the middle of a road. I examined him, found no sign of injury or trauma other than what Ive stated. He has been to my avian vet who is as puzzled as I am. He has been put on a course of baytril for 5 days, in case, as was my concern, he has something going on with his kidneys. I have seen a bird paralised once before due to swelling of the kidneys through infection. He is not wanting to eat or drink, so what he has is being syringed into him by me. I do leave him quite a while in order for hunger to make him try and eat/drink, but this has no affect. Prior to him going on his baytril today, I gave him some 'Spark' and also some 'poly-aid plus'. Another factor, he can barely fly; just acrosswards at the level he takes off, veering downwards, though not at a steep descent.
Can anyone advise me on what else to do to help save this important little life? Foods available to him listed below.
Slice of ripe soft mango, chopped and grated apple, uncooked porridge oats, budgie seed, peas, corn, wild bird seed, live mealworms, fresh water. shallow basin of water for bathing. He is residing in a deep-sided container, with a good covering of soft hay on the floor and an area of organic soil in one corner. There are some apple tree branch off-cuts complete with leaves in another corner. Trying to make his confinement as relaxing and as 'normal' as I can.
I think Ive covered everything there!
many thanks in advance if you can help me help my new dependent friend,

Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission—to be of service to them wherever they require it." St. Francis of Assisi

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