VetClick Discussion Forum

Squirral or Rat?
June 25, 2008 05:43PM
Yesterday I was given a new-born rodent of some sort. I haven't been able to tell what it is. I'm thinking its a squirrel or a rat. any suggestions on how to identify it? He's about an inch and half, pointy tail, hes more purple then pink, it doesn't look like his nails are that sharp...i would post a picture but i can't find my camera
Re: Squirral or Rat?
June 26, 2008 06:02AM
Without seeing a picture it is impossible to say what it is but if it is as small as you say, it is certainly not a squirrel.
If you could send a picture to then I should be able to give you some idea of what it is.
Re: Squirral or Rat?
October 22, 2008 09:24AM
Anonymous User Wrote:
> Yesterday I was given a new-born rodent of some
> sort. I haven't been able to tell what it is. I'm
> thinking its a squirrel or a rat. any suggestions
> on how to identify it? He's about an inch and
> half, pointy tail, hes more purple then pink, it
> doesn't look like his nails are that sharp...i
> would post a picture but i can't find my camera

sounds like a squirrel to me
Re: Squirral or Rat?
October 22, 2008 09:35AM
It sounds too small for a newborn squirrel but it is impossible to identify it without a picture.
If you can find someone with a camera & email me a picture to I will try to identify it.

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