VetClick Discussion Forum

Duck- swollen leg
July 29, 2008 02:35PM
Our pet duck has a large swelling just above her foot and going onto her middle 'toe'. She has been to the vet and we have given her three lots of antibiotics (injections twice a day and tablets), but to no avail - this has been going on for two months now. Our vet has hinted that she may need to be destroyed but she is fine in herself, eating well and nesting etc. There is no sign of any puncture points or scabs but she is limping and the swelling is hot. Obviously, we love her dearly and do not want to lose is there any treatment that you can suggest or anything that we can try....... some people have recommended lancing but our vet is reluctant to do this....many thanks....
Re: Duck- swollen leg
July 29, 2008 03:21PM

This sounds to me very like a septic arthritis - popularly know as 'bumblefoot'.
The appropriate treatment is to lance the swelling and remove the pus which is inside - it will look like cream cheese.
Possibly your vet has not encountered this condition before, and is reluctant to carry out this relatively minor operation for which an anaesthetis - general or local - is quite unnecessary.

Re: Duck- swollen leg
June 28, 2011 02:18PM
what if there is no pus and it just bleeds when you lance it? Tried in three different spots and no pus just blood.
Re: Duck- swollen leg
July 06, 2011 09:14AM
Hello, our duck has a swelling just about her foot on her ankle joint and l want to know if it is alright to give her pen and strep and if so how much should we give orally and for how long, hope someone can help as she is limping and sittind down a lot, thank you Lee.
katrina bliss
Re: Duck- swollen leg
December 03, 2011 09:23PM
my ducks foot got caught in the fence and now she is limping with a warm swelled up foot. any subjection?

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